Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
Drop a Warbanner on level up or starting the Teleporter event. Grants allies attack and movement speed.
On level up or starting the Teleporter event, drop a banner that strengthens all allies within 16m (+8m per stack). Raise attack and movement speed by 30%.
Rarity Common
Category Utility
Stat Value Stack Add
Radius 16m Linear +8m
Name WardOnLevel

The Warbanner is a returning item in Risk of Rain 2.

When the holder levels up, or when a Teleporter Boss spawns, a banner appears at the holder's location. All allies within a 16m (+8m per stack) radius of a banner get the Status Warbanner WarbannerStatus WarbannerWarbanner (Buff)
Gain increased movement and attack speed.Gain +30% attack and movement speed.
buff, giving them 30% increased attack speed and movement speed.


  • While the radius scales linearly, the area of the Warbanner's effect scales quadratically (Area = π ⋅ r²). This means that in multiplayer, it is stronger to stack this item on one player rather than across several players. 2 players with 1 Warbanner each would cover 1,608.5 square meters, while 1 player with 2 Warbanners would cover 1809.6 square meters.
  • The banner's area of effect is indicated by a large yellow sphere.
  • The Warbanner works well for Engineer Engineer'sEngineerEngineerThe Engineer is a unique class that requires planning and positioning to be successful.
    Class: Ranged
    HP: 130 (+39 per level)
    Damage: 14 (+2.8 per level)
    Armor: 0
    Umbra: Fortification Expert
    TR12 Gauss Auto-Turret TR12 Gauss Auto-TurretsTR12 Gauss Auto-TurretTR12 Gauss Auto-Turret (Special)Place a turret that inherits all your items. Fires a cannon for 100% damage. Can place up to 2.
    Survivor: Engineer
    , since they cannot move out of the banner's area of effect and will always get the bonus attack speed.
    • The Warbanner is one of the few blacklisted items that Engineer's turrets will not inherit.


Heavy losses were expected – after all, the invaders were as cunning as they were deadly. 

The dust had at last settled. The Golems had returned to the earth, and the Lemurians had returned to their tunnels. It was a long and grueling battle, but they had won. The invaders had been purged.

The only proof of their last stand was a single banner, fluttering in the wind, flying over a mountain of corpses.

Version History[]

Anniversary Update
  • Major Content
    • Added New Lore Entry: Warbanner
Early Access Content Update 5
  • Gameplay Changes
    • 🌧 Now also places a Warbanner when activating the Teleporter
    • Improve VFX to be less opaque, since it will always be near the Teleporter
Early Access Hidden Realms Content Update
Early Access 'Skills 2.0' Content Update
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix cropping issues on Warbanner icon
