Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
BgEquipmentVolcanic Egg
Volcanic Egg
Volcanic Egg
Transform into a speeding draconic fireball, dealing damage as you pass through enemies.
Turn into a draconic fireball for 5 seconds. Deal 500% damage on impact. Detonates at the end for 800% damage.
Rarity Equipment
Cooldown 30s
Amount needed for permanent effect
8 Gesture of the Drowned Gesture of the DrownedBgLunarGesture of the DrownedGesture of the Drowned
Dramatically reduce Equipment cooldown... BUT it automatically activates.

Reduce Equipment cooldown by 50% (+15% per stack). Forces your Equipment to activate whenever it is off cooldown.
11 Fuel Cell Fuel CellBgUncommonFuel CellFuel Cell
Hold an additional equipment charge. Reduce equipment cooldown.

Hold an additional equipment charge (+1 per stack). Reduce equipment cooldown by 15% (+15% per stack).

The Volcanic Egg is an equipment introduced in the Skills 2.0 Update.

When activated, the player transforms into a fireball, which detonates for 800% damage after 5 seconds have passed without hitting an enemy or by using the interact key.

While in fireball form, the player can fly but cannot use skills; they are forced to travel forward at a constant speed towards their crosshair and control their trajectory by moving the camera. Flying into an enemy deals 500% damage and resets the 5 second time limit, allowing the player to remain in fireball form indefinitely as long as they can keep hitting enemies.


  • The player can only damage an enemy by flying through it one time per equipment use.
  • The player can still be damaged while in fireball form, so use some caution when flying towards dangerous enemies.
  • Due to the interruptive nature of the transformation, it is not recommended that the player use this item alongside Gesture of the Drowned Gesture of the DrownedBgLunarGesture of the DrownedGesture of the Drowned
    Dramatically reduce Equipment cooldown... BUT it automatically activates.

    Reduce Equipment cooldown by 50% (+15% per stack). Forces your Equipment to activate whenever it is off cooldown.
    • This also applies to SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      Bottled Chaos is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Bottled Chaos Bottled ChaosBgLegendaryBottled ChaosSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Bottled Chaos
      Activating your Equipment triggers an additional, random Equipment effect.

      Trigger a random equipment effect 1 (+1 per stack) time(s).
      randomly triggering the Volcanic Egg effect, though not much can be done to prevent this.
  • This equipment's flight can be used to gain access to hard-to-reach locations, or simply to enhance the holder's mobility.


Order: Europan Great Dragon Egg
Tracking Number: 00****************
Estimated Delivery: 10/04/2056
Shipping Method:  Biological / Fragile
Shipping Address: Xenobiology Wildlife Reserve, Titan
Shipping Details: 

Make sure to keep this thing nice and hot while it incubates. I know it may seem plenty hot already, but Great Dragons are creatures of flame – they live the stuff, breath the stuff. Oh, and please send me pictures of the little guy once it hatches. Great Dragons are always so cute when they first hatch.

Version History[]

Patch v1.3.5
  • Resolved an issue were using Sojourn SojournSojournSojourn (Utility)Stunning. Transform and take flight as a volatile flame. Explode dealing 550% damage. Exchange 20% damage per second of flight for increased damage.
    Survivor: Seeker
    , Eccentric Vase Eccentric VaseBgEquipmentEccentric Vase45sEccentric Vase
    Create a quantum tunnel between two locations.

    Create a quantum tunnel of up to 1000m in length. Lasts 30 seconds.
    , or Volcanic Egg Volcanic EggBgEquipmentVolcanic Egg30sVolcanic Egg
    Transform into a speeding draconic fireball, dealing damage as you pass through enemies.

    Turn into a draconic fireball for 5 seconds. Deal 500% damage on impact. Detonates at the end for 800% damage.
    could lock you out of viewing the SotS IconSotS IconSeekers of the Storm - DLC Content
    False Son (Boss) is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    False Son (Boss) False SonFalse Son (Boss) - Logbook ModelSotS IconSotS IconSeekers of the Storm - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    False Son (Boss)
    HP: 1200 (+360 per level)
    Damage: 17 (+3.4 per level)
    Class: Melee
    Speed: 11 m/s
    Armor: 23
    fight into or teleporting up to the platform.

Anniversary Update
  • Major Content
    • Added New Lore Entry: Volcanic Egg
Early Access Artifacts Content Update
  • Bug Fixes
    • 🌧 Fix a variety of effects still showing when using Volcanic Egg
PC Early Access Patch (Build ID No.4233443)
  • Bug Fixes
    • Dying while traveling in Volcanic Egg no longer causes you to pop out the other end alive
Early Access 'Skills 2.0' Content Update
  • Major Content and Changes
    • Added New Equipment: Volcanic Egg


  • Using Gesture of the Drowned Gesture of the DrownedBgLunarGesture of the DrownedGesture of the Drowned
    Dramatically reduce Equipment cooldown... BUT it automatically activates.

    Reduce Equipment cooldown by 50% (+15% per stack). Forces your Equipment to activate whenever it is off cooldown.
    and having the equipment trigger while the character is attacking will allow the player to continue attacking while in fireball state, as long as the attack button is held down. Tested with MUL-T.
