Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
BgEquipmentTrophy Hunter's Tricorn
SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
Trophy Hunter's Tricorn is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Trophy Hunter's Tricorn
Trophy Hunter's Tricorn
Execute a large monster and claim its trophy. Consumed on use.
Execute any enemy capable of spawning a unique reward, and it will drop that item. Equipment is consumed on use.
Rarity Equipment
Cooldown 0s
Internal Name BossHunter

BgEquipmentTrophy Hunter's Tricorn (Consumed)
SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
Trophy Hunter's Tricorn (Consumed) is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Trophy Hunter's Tricorn (Consumed)
Trophy Hunter's Tricorn (Consumed)
Looks kinda cool, but that's about it.
Rarity Equipment
Cooldown 60s
Internal Name BossHunterConsumed

The Trophy Hunter's Tricorn is an equipment in Risk of Rain 2, introduced in the Survivors of the Void expansion.

The Tricorn cannot be activated in most circumstances; it can only be used when the user is aiming at a boss monster that has an associated boss item, in which case a ghostly diamond-shaped reticle will appear over the monster in question. Activating the Trophy Hunter's Tricorn while this reticle is active will instantly kill that monster, and cause the corresponding item to drop from the point where it dies. The Trophy Hunter's Tricorn is then "consumed," replacing the ghostly, incorporeal version of the hat with a standard-looking tricorn, and removing the floating blunderbuss entirely.

Activating the consumed Tricorn will send the message "Ahoy!" in the chat, as if typed by the player using it. This ability has a cooldown of 60 seconds.


  • If used on the Alloy Worship Unit Alloy Worship UnitAlloy Worship UnitAlloy Worship Unit
    Friend of VulturesHP: 2500 (+750 per level)
    Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 7 m/s
    Armor: 30
    , it will drop Empathy Cores Empathy CoresBgBossEmpathy CoresEmpathy Cores
    Recruit a pair of Solus Probes that gain power with more allies.

    Every 30 seconds, summon two Solus Probes that gain +100% (+100% per stack) damage per ally on your team.
    , the boss item normally reserved for the Solus Control Unit Solus Control UnitSolus Control UnitSolus Control Unit
    Corrupted AIHP: 2500 (+750 per level)
    Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
    Class: Ranged / Melee
    Speed: 7 m/s
    Armor: 20
    . As the Worship Unit never shows up as a Teleporter Boss in normal gameplay, and thus has no unique boss item of its own, it presumably borrows the Control Unit's item just so that the Worship Unit can also be targeted by the Tricorn.
  • If used on Aurelionite AurelioniteAurelioniteAurelionite
    Titanic GoldweaverHP: 2100 (+630 per level)
    Damage: 40 (+8 per level)
    Class: Melee / Ranged
    Speed: 5 m/s
    Armor: 20
    in the Gilded Coast, then Aurelionite itself will drop a Halcyon Seed Halcyon SeedBgBossHalcyon SeedHalcyon Seed
    Summon Aurelionite during the Teleporter event.

    Summon Aurelionite during the teleporter event. It has 100% (+50% per stack) damage and 100% (+100% per stack) health.
    , in addition to the guaranteed Halcyon Seed that normally drops near the gold portal.
    • Aurelionite cannot be targeted while it is immune to damage.
    • If you have Artifact of Chaos active it can also be used on a friendly Aurelionite AurelioniteAurelioniteAurelionite
      Titanic GoldweaverHP: 2100 (+630 per level)
      Damage: 40 (+8 per level)
      Class: Melee / Ranged
      Speed: 5 m/s
      Armor: 20
      when it's summoned by a Halcyon Seed Halcyon SeedBgBossHalcyon SeedHalcyon Seed
      Summon Aurelionite during the Teleporter event.

      Summon Aurelionite during the teleporter event. It has 100% (+50% per stack) damage and 100% (+100% per stack) health.
      during a teleporter event. Doing so will kill the Aurelionite AurelioniteAurelioniteAurelionite
      Titanic GoldweaverHP: 2100 (+630 per level)
      Damage: 40 (+8 per level)
      Class: Melee / Ranged
      Speed: 5 m/s
      Armor: 20
      but reward you with a Halcyon Seed Halcyon SeedBgBossHalcyon SeedHalcyon Seed
      Summon Aurelionite during the Teleporter event.

      Summon Aurelionite during the teleporter event. It has 100% (+50% per stack) damage and 100% (+100% per stack) health.
  • If used on a Magma Worm Magma WormMagma WormMagma Worm
    Ancient Lava SwimmerHP: 2400 (+720 per level)
    Damage: 10 (+2 per level)
    Class: Melee
    Speed: 20 m/s
    Armor: 15
    or Overloading Worm Overloading WormOverloading WormOverloading Worm
    The ReminderHP: 12000 (+3600 per level)
    Damage: 50 (+10 per level)
    Class: Melee
    Speed: 20 m/s
    Armor: 15
    , the Molten Perforator MoltenBgBossMolten PerforatorMolten Perforator
    Chance on hit to fire magma balls.

    10% chance on hit to call forth 3 magma balls from an enemy, dealing 300% (+300% per stack) damage each.
    /Charged Perforator Charged PerforatorBgBossCharged PerforatorCharged Perforator
    Chance on hit to call down a lightning strike.

    10% chance on hit to down a lightning strike, dealing 500% (+500% per stack) damage.
    will drop where the worm's head is. Time the shot carefully so that the item does not end up in an inaccessible location or stuck underground.


  • Keep in mind that activating the Tricorn will put the equipment slot it occupies on a 60 second cooldown, despite its primary effect being single-use. This may cause a delay in usability if the player plans to swap to another equipment item promptly after using the Tricorn, or if the Artifact of Enigma Artifact of EnigmaArtifact of EnigmaEnigmaSpawn with a random equipment that changes every time it's activated.
    is enabled.
    • Technically the Tricorn has a cooldown of 0 seconds and its consumed counterpart has 60 seconds. Upon activation, the transformation takes place before calculating the cooldown based from the current equipment. However, this makes the Tricorn, along with the SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      Executive Card is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Executive Card Executive CardBgEquipmentExecutive Card0.1sSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Executive Card
      Gain 10% cash back on all purchases. Multishops remain open.

      Whenever you make a gold purchase, get 10% of the spent gold back. If the purchase is a multishop terminal, the other terminals will remain open.
      , ideal for refreshing all equipment charges in one go due to their extremely low cooldown.
  • Although the additional equipment charges provided by holding one or more Fuel Cell Fuel CellsBgUncommonFuel CellFuel Cell
    Hold an additional equipment charge. Reduce equipment cooldown.

    Hold an additional equipment charge (+1 per stack). Reduce equipment cooldown by 15% (+15% per stack).
    might appear to indicate that the Tricorn's boss-killing effect can be used several times in succession, the first successful use of a Tricorn always transforms the item into its consumed version. Any remaining charges afterwards will simply send "Ahoy!" instead.
    • This also applies to SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      Bottled Chaos is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Bottled Chaos Bottled ChaosBgLegendaryBottled ChaosSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Bottled Chaos
      Activating your Equipment triggers an additional, random Equipment effect.

      Trigger a random equipment effect 1 (+1 per stack) time(s).
      activating the tricorn multiple times.
  • Be wary of picking up Gesture of the Drowned Gesture of the DrownedBgLunarGesture of the DrownedGesture of the Drowned
    Dramatically reduce Equipment cooldown... BUT it automatically activates.

    Reduce Equipment cooldown by 50% (+15% per stack). Forces your Equipment to activate whenever it is off cooldown.
    while holding the Tricorn, or vice-versa, as it will cause the Tricorn to be immediately used on the first applicable boss that the player looks at. This may result in the dropped item being unobtainable if the boss in question is over a pit or some otherwise inaccessible terrain at the time, or may net the player a boss item that they are uninterested in.
  • Since this item is single-use and cannot be activated at all under most circumstances, giving it to an Equipment Drone Equipment Drone might be worth considering, as this can free up the player's personal equipment slot for something more useful in the long-term. However, this also means that the Equipment Drone will automatically use it to execute the first boss enemy it sees, so the aforementioned Gesture caveat also applies here.
    • Since this drone inherits behaviours from Gunner Drone Gunner Drone and will not fire until the owner is within 20m, it can be manipulated into not firing by keeping distance with the drone (or the boss in question as well), as the drone will only fire at an enemy when they are within 15m of it while simultaneously having their owner closer than 20m)
    • Note that once an Equipment Drone has used the Tricorn's one-off boss-slaying effect, it will be replaced with the consumed version of the Tricorn, and the Drone will begin saying "Ahoy!" in the game chat about once every 12 seconds. While it will function as little more than a pirate-themed target for enemies to shoot at until it breaks, this does at least allow it to draw some fire away from any nearby players. An already-consumed Tricorn can also be given to an Equipment Drone, much to the same effect.
  • The consumed Tricorn's "Ahoy!" has a hard second cooldown of two seconds. This cooldown can be reached with sufficient Fuel Cell Fuel CellsBgUncommonFuel CellFuel Cell
    Hold an additional equipment charge. Reduce equipment cooldown.

    Hold an additional equipment charge (+1 per stack). Reduce equipment cooldown by 15% (+15% per stack).
    and Gesture of the Drowned.


"I've always thought," said Rainsford, "that the Bighorn Bison is the most dangerous of all big game."

For a moment the general did not reply; he was smiling his curious red-lipped smile. Then he said slowly, "No. You are wrong, sir. The Bighorn Bison is not the most dangerous big game." He sipped his wine. "Here in my preserve on this planet," he said in the same slow tone, "I hunt more dangerous game."

"...Sir?" General Hadbury turned to Rainsford. "Tell me, Rainsford, what makes game... dangerous?" Rainsford thought for a moment. "...The, er, size, sir? Big animals are often pretty tough to take down." Habury nodded. "Indeed, size can be important, but that's not it. In my eye, what makes game dangerous is... intelligence." Hadbury met Rainsford's gaze with a twinkle in his eye.

"The best hunt is always a match of wits. Say I were to lay some traps - how would I go about disguising them so that my prize won't spot them from a mile away? It makes things so much more fun, you see." Hadbury turned, walking towards the railing of the balcony overlooking his reserve. "There's no fun to the hunt, or any game for that matter, if there is no risk involved... if there is no story to the prize. That is why, dear Rainsford, my halls are decorated with the spoils of hunts that could only be described as legendary." Hadbury's red-lipped smile grew into a red-lined grin. "Now get the men ready, for we are going to hunt."

Version History[]

PC Patch v1.2.2.0
  • (Undocumented) Bug Fix
    • (Undocumented) The Trophy Hunter's Tricorn can now be used on the SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      Void Devastator is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Void Devastator Void DevastatorVoid DevastatorSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Void Devastator
      Destroyer of WorldsHP: 2800 (+840 per level)
      Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
      Class: Ranged / Self-Destruct
      Speed: 8 m/s
      Armor: 20
Survivors of the Void Update
  • Major Content
    • Introduced.


  • This item's logbook entry is a reference to the short story "The Most Dangerous Game".
  • When held by Acrid AcridAcridAcridAcrid is a melee-range hybrid who uses powerful poisons to melt tanky enemies.
    Class: Melee / Ranged
    HP: 160 (+48 per level)
    Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
    Armor: 20
    Umbra: Test Subject
    , the spectral blunderbuss that usually appears next to a player with the Trophy Hunter's Tricorn will appear to be both backwards and upside-down. It is unclear whether this is meant to reflect how the character in question is an animal with no knowledge of how guns work, or if the unusual placement is simply a developer oversight.
  • Ahoy!
