Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
Throw a fan of buzzing saws that come back to you.
Throw three large saw blades that slice through enemies for 3x400% damage. Also deals an additional 3x100% damage per second while bleeding enemies. Can strike enemies again on the way back.
Rarity Equipment
Cooldown 45s

The Sawmerang is a returning equipment in Risk of Rain 2.

When activated, it shoots three saw blades in a fan that travel a set distance before returning to the player, each dealing 400% damage with a proc coefficient of 1.0 and inflicting Status Bleeding BleedStatus BleedingBleed (Debuff)
Damage over time.Deals 240% damage over time [3 x proc coefficient] (20% per tick, 4 ticks per second).
. The initial shot and the return trip count as separate attacks, allowing each blade to hit twice. Additionally, after the initial strike, each saw blade deals 140% damage rapidly with a proc coefficient of 0.2 and inflicts Bleed each tick.


  • Correction: The in-game description of 100% damage is incorrect.
  • The blade projectile is not responsible for inflicting Status Bleeding BleedStatus BleedingBleed (Debuff)
    Damage over time.Deals 240% damage over time [3 x proc coefficient] (20% per tick, 4 ticks per second).
    itself. Instead, when the enemy is struck the game checks if the attacker has Sawmerang as their active equipment and then applies the DoT. Activating this equipment with the Artifact of Enigma Artifact of EnigmaArtifact of EnigmaEnigmaSpawn with a random equipment that changes every time it's activated.
    ensures the enemy will not bleed. Bleed will also not be inflicted if any of the following actions are taken while the blades are in mid-flight :
    • MUL-T MUL-TMUL-TMUL-TMUL-T is an aggressive survivor who has the tools necessary for any job!
      Class: Melee / Ranged
      HP: 200 (+60 per level)
      Damage: 11 (+2.2 per level)
      Armor: 12
      Umbra: Right Tool for the Wrong Job
      using Retool RetoolRetoolRetool (Special)Passively hold TWO equipment at once. Activating 'Retool' switches the active Equipment and MUL-T's primary attack.
      Survivor: MUL-T
      to an equipment slot without Sawmerang.
    • Giving your equipment to an Equipment Drone.
    • Trading your equipment with another on the ground.


he saw blade before it returns. When this happens, the stuck saw blade will continuously hurt any enemies near it.

  • The blade projectile is not responsible for inflicting Status Bleeding BleedStatus BleedingBleed (Debuff)
    Damage over time.Deals 240% damage over time [3 x proc coefficient] (20% per tick, 4 ticks per second).
    itself. Instead when the enemy is struck, the game checks if the attacker has Sawmerang as their active equipment and then applies the DoT. This means that if MUL-T MUL-TMUL-TMUL-TMUL-T is an aggressive survivor who has the tools necessary for any job!
    Class: Melee / Ranged
    HP: 200 (+60 per level)
    Damage: 11 (+2.2 per level)
    Armor: 12
    Umbra: Right Tool for the Wrong Job
    uses Retool RetoolRetoolRetool (Special)Passively hold TWO equipment at once. Activating 'Retool' switches the active Equipment and MUL-T's primary attack.
    Survivor: MUL-T
    to switch to a different equipment or any survivor switches Sawmerang out with another equipment on the ground before the blades hit a monster, the attack will not inflict any Bleed.


I'm so happy they let me bring my trusty disc toy on this trip! Trees need cutting? Disc toy. Baddies getting a little too close? Disc toy. Fun after-hours game of catch? Disc toy... but only if you're trained to catch it.


I'm so happy they let me bring my trusty disc toy on this trip! Trees need cutting? Disc toy. Baddies getting a little too close? Disc toy. Fun after-hours game of catch? Disc toy... but only if you're trained to catch it.

Version History[]

PS4 & Xbox One Patch
  • Bug Fixes
    • Solved an issue where the Sawmerang would not deal damage upon hit.
Early Access Artifacts Content Update
  • Major Content
    • Added New Equipment: Sawmerang
    • Added New Item Lore Entry: Sawmerang

