Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
BgEquipmentRoyal Capacitor
Royal Capacitor
Royal Capacitor
Call down a lightning strike on a targeted monster.
Call down a lightning strike on a targeted monster, dealing 3000% damage and stunning nearby monsters.
Rarity Equipment
Cooldown 20s
Unlock Ascendant

The Royal Capacitor is an equipment in Risk of Rain 2.

While equipped, a targeting reticle appears over the monster nearest to the player's cursor. Activating the equipment while an enemy is targeted in this way calls a lightning strike on it after a half second delay, dealing 3000% damage in a 3m radius and stunning monsters nearby.


  • The lightning strike occurs 0.5 seconds after equipment activation. Character position is updated every frame for 0.2 seconds after equipment activation.
    • Therefore, the targeted character has 0.3 seconds to escape the 3m explosion radius, or move 10 m/s away from the last position update.


  • The Royal Capacitor deals high damage in a single hit. Stacking Crowbar CrowbarsBgCommonCrowbarCrowbar
    Deal bonus damage to enemies above 90% health.

    Deal +75% (+75% per stack) damage to enemies above 90% health.
    can significantly increase this equipment's damage.
  • Using the Royal Capacitor with many Gesture of the Drowned Gesture of the DrownedBgLunarGesture of the DrownedGesture of the Drowned
    Dramatically reduce Equipment cooldown... BUT it automatically activates.

    Reduce Equipment cooldown by 50% (+15% per stack). Forces your Equipment to activate whenever it is off cooldown.
    , Fuel Cell Fuel CellsBgUncommonFuel CellFuel Cell
    Hold an additional equipment charge. Reduce equipment cooldown.

    Hold an additional equipment charge (+1 per stack). Reduce equipment cooldown by 15% (+15% per stack).
    , and Crowbars will instantly activate the equipment with limited cooldown.
    • Be mindful of entering the Bazaar Between Time Bazaar Between TimeBazaar Between TimeBazaar Between Time (Hidden Realm)
      Hidden Realm: Bazaar Between Time
      This stage serves as the shop in Risk of Rain 2. Players can purchase various Items with Lunar Coins or exchange items for higher-rarity ones in two crucibles.
      with this combination, as it may damage Newt NewtNewtNewt
      HP: 500000 (+150000 per level)
      Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
      Class: N/A
      Speed: 0 m/s
      Armor: 100
      and lock the player out of the Bazaar. Avoid this by looking away from Newt.
  • Due to the Royal Capacitor's short cooldown, it benefits from the Soulbound Catalyst Soulbound CatalystBgLegendarySoulbound CatalystSoulbound Catalyst
    Kills reduce equipment cooldown.

    Kills reduce equipment cooldown by 4s (+2s per stack).
    • This is particularly effective with the aforementioned Gesture of the Drowned strategy.
  • The Royal Capacitor is a strong item for Equipment Drone Equipment Drones, as their innate cooldown reduction allows them to activate the equipment every 4 seconds with a target in sight.


Order: ZAP2-K “Royal” Capacitor
Tracking Number: 145***************
Estimated Delivery: 04/30/2056
Shipping Method:  Standard
Shipping Address: Power Plant 005, Route 10, Venus
Shipping Details: 

Here’s a replacement for your damaged equipment. Crazy how gang activity is starting up again – even crazier that they’d steal a capacitor from you guys. Anyway, you guys know the drill – make sure routinely discharge the capacitor’s storage cells, as it may hold on to latent voltage. Oh, and make sure not to point it at anybody when you do.

- The Saturn Reporter, Front Page Headline

Version History[]

Anniversary Update
  • Major Content
    • Added New Lore Entry: Royal Capacitor
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed certain survivors not removing their limbs when picking up the Royal Capacitor
Early Access Artifacts Content Update
  • Gameplay Changes
    • Lightning now strikes where the target was 0.3s before the strike lands, instead of where they currently are.
    • Add new visuals warning before lightning strikes
    • Add glow and improve visuals so it’s more noticeable (hmm…)
Early Access Patch (Build ID No.3703355)
  • Bug Fixes
    • Equipment - Royal Capacitor now requires line of sight to use.


  • The Royal Capacitor is possibly inspired or referenced off of Sprague Powerlytic Capacitors, which have the same structure as the text on the texture for the Royal Capacitor.
  • The text on the texture reads as:
    • Calorum - Company that made it
    • Powerlytic - The name that they called their capacitor
    • 3600DE - The type of Powerlytic
    • 40000-810000DC - The range of voltage in direct current
    • 910256L - Inductance
      • In reality, the capacitor should have a capacitance value listed, not an inductance.
      • Additionally, although L is the letter used to represent inductance as a concept, the unit of measure for inductance is actually Henris (H).
  • When equipped by any survivor, their right arm is replaced by a constant streak of electricity
  • The logbook entry contains a few references to the Legendary Electric-type Pokémon Zapdos.
    • The tracking number is the same as Zapdos' Pokédex number, 145
    • "ZAP2" in the order name may be a corruption of "Zapdos", with dos being the Spanish word for two.
    • The shipping address is to "Power Plant 005, Route 10". In the original games, Zapdos is found in the abandoned power plant on Route 10.
