Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
Radio Scanner

Not to be confused with Radar Scanner Radar ScannerBgEquipmentRadar Scanner45sRadar Scanner
Reveal all nearby interactables.

Reveal all interactables within 500m for 10 seconds.
, an equipment that scans for interactables

The Radio Scanner (also known as Radar Tower, Environment Scanner) is an interactable that can spawn on all Environments, except Hidden Realms. When purchased, the entire stage will be scanned, similarly to the Radar Scanner Radar ScannerBgEquipmentRadar Scanner45sRadar Scanner
Reveal all nearby interactables.

Reveal all interactables within 500m for 10 seconds.
, and the Environment Data of the corresponding stage will be added to the player's Logbook.

Once the Environment Data of a stage has been acquired, the Radio Scanner will never spawn again on that stage. In multiplayer, having at least one member of the party who doesn't possess the Environment Data of a stage will allow the corresponding Radio Scanner to spawn.


Version History[]

Early Access Hidden Realms Content Update
  • Quality of Life
    • 🌧Shift Radar Tower effect closer to green to make it not confusing with Wandering Vagrant VagrantWandering VagrantWandering Vagrant
      Gentle ProtectorHP: 2100 (+630 per level)
      Damage: 6.5 (+1.3 per level)
      Class: Ranged
      Speed: 6 m/s
      Armor: 15