Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
Mini Mushrum
Mini Mushrum
Mini Mushrum - Logbook Model
Health 290 (+87 per level)
Health Regen 0.6 (+0.12 per level)
Damage 16 (+3.2 per level)
Speed 2 m/s
Armor 0
Family Mushrum
Name MiniMushroom

The Mini Mushrum is a returning mushroom monster added in the Artifacts Update.


  • Sky Meadow Sky MeadowSky MeadowSky Meadow (Stage 5)
    Sprite Fields
    You dream of serenity.

  • Sundered Grove Sundered GroveSundered GroveSundered Grove (Stage 4)
    Dormant Locus
    You dream of violent growth.

    Ancient flora has risen up to reclaim this once sacred refuge. Mazes of roots and overgrown fungus have twisted the landscape, leaving only ruins.
  • Void Fields Void FieldsVoid FieldsVoid Fields (Hidden Realm)
    Cosmic Prison
    Hidden Realm accessible only through the Bazaar Between Time. Until the cell is stabilized, the Void Fields will constantly "suffocate" the player for a small percentage of their current health.
  • Part of the Mini Mushrum Mini MushrumMini Mushrum
    HP: 290 (+87 per level)
    Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 2 m/s
    Armor: 0
    Mushrum Family Event
  • Other Environments with the Artifact of Dissonance Artifact of DissonanceArtifact of DissonanceDissonanceMonsters can appear outside their usual environments.

Skills & Behavior[]

A Mini Mushrum generally wanders around aimlessly. Upon death, its body can be seen going back into the ground while its cap still remains above ground.

Any single instance of damage that deals more than 50% of the Mini Mushrum's total health will stun it and interrupt its attacks or movement.

Primary: Fiery Spore Bomb[]

The Mini Mushrum prepares a spore bomb, visible above its head, for 2.6 seconds (scales with attack speed), and then lobs it towards the target. The bomb can be thrown within a 5-60m distance and it takes 1.5 seconds to land. Upon contact it explodes dealing 300% damage with a proc coefficient of 0.5 in a radius of 5m with linear falloff. It also leaves a blazing circular area behind that deals 40% damage with a proc coefficient of 0.25 per tick in a 6m radius. It ticks 5 times per second for 7 seconds. Getting hit by this also applies Status Slow50 a slowStatus Slow5050% Slow (Debuff)
Reduces movement speed by 50% (in practice, 33.3%).
effect on the target.

The attack lasts for 4.4 seconds, which scales with attack speed. However, for sufficiently high enough values of attack speed charging, firing, and ending the attack can occur on the same frame.

This skill has a cooldown of 10 seconds.

Utility: Regenerative Ingrain[]

The Mini Mushrum plants itself firmly into the ground over 1 second (scales with attack speed), creating a healing circle around itself that has the exact same healing effect as 3 Bustling Fungus Bustling FungiBgCommonBustling FungusBustling Fungus
Heal all nearby allies after standing still for 1 second.

After standing still for 1 second, create a zone that heals for 4.5% (+2.25% per stack) of your health every second to all allies within 3m (+1.5m per stack).
. It heals for 2.25% health every 0.25 seconds in a radius of 6.5m, including any other monsters that happen to enter the area. The healing duration lasts for a maximum of 15 seconds, but the Mushrum can end it earlier by issuing a moving command after 7 seconds. Both of these values scale with attack speed, which means the higher the attack speed, the less effective health can be regained.

When the Mushrum unburrows, it does so over 0.8 seconds, which scales with attack speed.

This skill has a cooldown of 3 seconds but this is irrelevant as the minimum skill duration is longer than this.


  1. Use primary: the Mushrum must be within 60m from its target, have line of sight, and have at least 50% health.
  2. Flee: the Mushrum must be within 60m from its target and have less than 50% health. This behavior will be active for 3 seconds and cannot be selected twice in a row.
  3. Use utility: the Mushrum must have less than 50% health. This behavior will be active for 4 seconds. As a result, when the player gets the Mushrum to less than 50% health, it will run away 3 seconds and then heal. If the Mushrum is still below 50% health after it has finished with this move, it will attempt to flee and heal again.
  4. Chase: the Mushrum must be at least 30m away from its target.
  5. Strafe: the Mushrum must be within 30m from its target.


  • Players should always keep moving and scan their surroundings constantly when dealing with Mini Mushrums, since they can throw their Spore Bombs from a considerable distance. This can prove fatal if caught off-guard, especially from Elites.
  • The slowness inflicted by the fire field stacks with Status Slow80 slownessStatus Slow8080% Slow (Debuff)
    Reduces movement speed by 80% (in practice, 45.5%).
    inflicted by Glacial Elites, making these Mushrums especially dangerous. Setting foot in the fiery area from these Elites, even if for a moment, will drastically reduce the player's movement speed and make escaping the continuous damage much more difficult.
  • Leaving a Mini Mushrum in a partially damaged state can be dangerous. Letting one heal can waste precious time, not to mention it can potentially heal other monsters as well.


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This is the logbook entry of D. Furthen, naturalist for the UES [Redacted] in conjunction with the UES Research and Documentation of Outer Life. I am joined by my good friend Tharson, who is keeping me safe through this journey.


On a routine food gathering trek we happened upon a vast fungal grove with towering fungi. Thinking we would take some samples back to test if they were edible, we noticed some of the smaller variety sprout up from the ground and circle around us.

I will describe its properties below. I have assigned their common name as ‘Mini Mushrum’.

• ‘Mini’ is a relative term here, as these mobile mushrooms were larger than Tharson. The subtle glow on the underside of their cap is probably to scare away predators, advertising that they are dangerous to eat.

• Waddling around on short, stubby legs makes them seem quite unsuited for walking. They comically bump into things as they fret about. Perhaps their eyeseight is poor from living in the dark?

• After a long time studying their movements, I suggested to Tharson to retrieve a sample from one to take back with us. The one that the sample was taken from began to flee as the others began shaking, spilling their spores into the air. Our air filtration warnings went off so we left before the cloud of fungal gas became too overwhelming. We did not eat the sample.


  • The Mini Mushrum was simply named "Mushrum" in Risk of Rain 1, which suggests that a larger monster related to it was a planned addition.
  • The blazing pool's area of effect is not actually a circle, but two overlapping squares with one rotated 45 degrees around its center point, effectively forming a concave hexadecagon. In some points the "spikes" of the shape extend just a bit outside of the zone's circular indicator. Similarly, the "dips" mean that the player can enter the zone without taking damage in specific points.
    • While the pool's visual effect will adapt to the surface's geometry, the hitboxes do not "curve" along with it. As such, if the spore lands on the edge of a cliff, the player can take damage even where there is no ground. In a ramp the hitboxes will try to align themselves to the terrain's angle, while on walls the visual will be vertical and the hitbox horizontal.

Version History[]

PC Patch v1.1.1.2
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed Mini Mushrum’s healing wards sometimes appearing underground
Anniversary Update
  • Quality of Life
    • 🌧 Added an team-colored area indicators for attacks
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed Mini Mushrums making hitboxes that were not being cleaned up, potentially causing infinite objects in the scene
Early Access Content Update 5
  • Gameplay Changes
    • 🌧 Base Health: 360 (+108 per level) ⇒ 290 (+87 per level)
Early Access Artifacts Content Update
  • Major Content
    • Added New Monster: Mini Mushrum

