Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
BgUncommonLuminous Shot
SotS IconSotS IconSeekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Luminous Shot is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Luminous Shot
Luminous Shot
Activating your Secondary skill charges your Primary skill with powerful lightning strikes. Requires 3 charges.
Activating Secondary skill stores up to 5 charges (+1 per stack). Requires 3 charges for your Primary skill to fire lightning strikes, dealing 175% TOTAL damage (+50% per stack) each. Reduces Secondary skill cooldown by 20%.
Rarity Uncommon
Category Damage
Stat Value Stack Add
Damage per Charge 175% Linear +50%
Max Charge 5 Linear +1
Name IncreasePrimaryDamage

Luminous Shot is an Item in Risk of Rain 2, introduced in the Seekers of the Storm expansion.

Activating your secondary skill stores up to 5 charges (+1 per stack). Requires at least 3 charges for your primary skill to fire lightning strikes, each dealing 175% (+50% per stack) total damage with a 1.0 proc coefficient in a 7m radius with no falloff. The item also reduces the secondary skill cooldown by 20%.


  • Unlike the lightning strikes frp, Royal Capacitor Royal CapacitorBgEquipmentRoyal Capacitor20sRoyal Capacitor
    Call down a lightning strike on a targeted monster.

    Call down a lightning strike on a targeted monster, dealing 3000% damage and stunning nearby monsters.
    and Charged Perforator Charged PerforatorBgBossCharged PerforatorCharged Perforator
    Chance on hit to call down a lightning strike.

    10% chance on hit to down a lightning strike, dealing 500% (+500% per stack) damage.
    , this one does not apply a downwards force which can cause light flyers, e.g., Lesser Wisp Lesser WispLesser WispLesser Wisp
    HP: 35 (+10 per level)
    Damage: 3.5 (+0.7 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 6 m/s
    Armor: 0
    , to be slammed into the ground.
  • The strikes are called individually with a 0.2 second delay each and will strike the same position whether the original target has moved away from its area-of-effect or been killed.
  • For survivors like SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    Railgunner is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Railgunner RailgunnerRailgunnerSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    RailgunnerThe Railgunner is a long-range, single target survivor that can instantly kill any high priority target - and from any range.
    Class: Ranged
    HP: 110 (+33 per level)
    Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
    Armor: 0
    Umbra: Forgotten Nomad
    using the secondary skill does not count as bringing up the scope, but actually firing a shot while the scope is enabled. While in this case the primary skill button is pressed, it does not count as a primary skill attack and it does not trigger the extra damage; only XQR Smart Round System XQR Smart Round SystemXQR Smart Round SystemXQR Smart Round System (Primary)Fire aggressive tracking rounds for 100% damage.
    Survivor: Railgunner
    • This means the player should use the scope when firing either of Railgunner's special skills in order to gain a charge from it.
    • Similarly, Ballista BallistaBallistaBallista (Special)Teleport backwards into the sky. Fire up to 3 energy bolts, dealing 3x900% damage.
      Survivor: Huntress
      throws its arrows with the primary skill, but it does not count as one.
  • The charges are not consumed whenever a primary attack is executed, but only when one connects. As such the player should not worry about making sure the attack connects.
    • However, the extra charges are granted whenever the secondary skill is executed, whether it connects or not. This is mainly applicable for Loader LoaderLoaderLoaderThe Loader is a slow but powerful bruiser that can use her grappling hook to uniquely navigate the environment.
      Class: Melee
      HP: 160 (+48 per level)
      Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
      Armor: 20
      Umbra: Bionic Powerhouse
      's Grapple Fist Grapple FistGrapple FistGrapple Fist (Secondary)Fire your gauntlet forward, pulling you to the target.
      Survivor: Loader
      and Spiked Fist Spiked FistSpiked FistSpiked Fist (Secondary)Stunning. Fire your gauntlet forward, dealing 320% damage. Pulls you to heavy targets. Light targets are pulled to YOU instead.
      Survivor: Loader
  • If Mercenary MercenaryMercenaryMercenaryThe Mercenary is a high skill melee survivor that uses his many dodges to weave in and out of combat.
    Class: Melee
    HP: 110 (+33 per level)
    Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
    Armor: 20
    Umbra: Hired Blade
    strikes an enemy only with the third swing of his Laser Sword Laser SwordLaser SwordLaser Sword (Primary)Agile. Slice in front for 130% damage. Every 3rd hit strikes in a greater area and Expose enemies.
    Survivor: Mercenary
    while having at least 3 Luminous Shot charges, the primary hit will apply Status MercExpose ExposeStatus MercExposeExpose (Debuff)
    Hitting exposed enemies reduces skill cooldowns and increases damage.Hitting exposed enemies reduces all skill cooldowns by 1 second and deals an additional 350% damage.
    which will be immediately consumed by the first lightning strike. Specifically, each lightning strike will proc for damage and since Expose adds to it, the first strike will deal a total of damage.
  • Bug: While enemies can acquire this item, the game does not identify the source of damage for any enemy skills and as such they cannot proc it.
    • Clay Templar Clay Templar'sClay TemplarClay Templar
      HP: 700 (+210 per level)
      Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
      Class: Ranged
      Speed: 6 m/s
      Armor: 0
      secondary skill is the only enemy skill that is labelled properly, meaning it can gain the SotS IconSotS IconSeekers of the Storm - DLC Content
      Luminous Shot Charge is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      IncreasePrimaryDamageBuff Luminous Shot ChargeIncreasePrimaryDamageBuffSotS IconSotS IconSeekers of the Storm - DLC Content
      This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Luminous Shot Charge (Buff)
      Primary skill deals additional +150% (+25% per stack) damage. Killing an enemy with this yields 10% (+10% per stack) more experience.
      buff, but it still cannot proc it with its primary.
  • One item stack is sufficient to proc Kjaro's Band BgUncommonKjaro's BandKjaro's Band
    High damage hits also blasts enemies with a runic flame tornado. Recharges over time.

    Hits that deal more than 400% damage also blasts enemies with a runic flame tornado, dealing 300% (+300% per stack) TOTAL damage over time. Recharges every 10 seconds.
    Runald's Band the bandsBgUncommonRunald's BandRunald's Band
    High damage hits also blasts enemies with runic ice. Recharges over time.

    Hits that deal more than 400% damage also blasts enemies with a runic ice blast, slowing them by 80% for 3s (+3s per stack) and dealing 250% (+250% per stack) TOTAL damage. Recharges every 10 seconds.
    with Blast BlastBlastBlast (Primary)Fire a rifle blast for 330% damage. Can hold up to 4 bullets.
    Survivor: Bandit
    , while for an attack with 100% base damage, e.g., Double Tap Double TapDouble TapDouble Tap (Primary)Rapidly shoot an enemy for 100% damage.
    Survivor: Commando
    , at least 6 stacks are required.


  • During combat downtime the player is advised to keep executing their secondary skill to build up the charges as long as this does not interfere with other priorities, e.g., making use out of Status WhipBoost Whip BoostStatus WhipBoostWhip Boost (Buff)
    Gain increased movement speed.Gain +30% movement speed.
  • Luminous Shot is very useful for survivors with a very short secondary attack cooldown and ideally, a powerful primary attack to multiply the damage with:
    • REX REXREXREXREX is a half robot / half plant that uses HP to cast devastating skills from a distance. The plant nor the robot could survive this planet alone – but thankfully they have each other.
      Class: Ranged
      HP: 130 (+39 per level)
      Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
      Armor: 20
      Umbra: Symbiotes
      is a primary example who can rotate between Seed Barrage Seed BarrageSeed BarrageSeed Barrage (Secondary)15% HP. Launch a mortar into the sky for 450% damage.
      Survivor: REX
      and DIRECTIVE Inject DIRECTIVE: InjectDIRECTIVE InjectDIRECTIVE: Inject (Primary)Fire 3 syringes for 3x80% damage. The last syringe Weaken and heals for 60% of damage dealt.
      Survivor: REX
      very quickly.
    • Acrid Acrid'sAcridAcridAcrid is a melee-range hybrid who uses powerful poisons to melt tanky enemies.
      Class: Melee / Ranged
      HP: 160 (+48 per level)
      Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
      Armor: 20
      Umbra: Test Subject
      secondary skills also have a 2-second cooldown only.
    • Although a fairly gimmicky loadout, MUL-T MUL-TMUL-TMUL-TMUL-T is an aggressive survivor who has the tools necessary for any job!
      Class: Melee / Ranged
      HP: 200 (+60 per level)
      Damage: 11 (+2.2 per level)
      Armor: 12
      Umbra: Right Tool for the Wrong Job
      with Power Mode Power ModePower ModePower Mode (Special)Enter a heavy stance, equipping both your primary attacks at once. Gain 100 armor, but lose -60% movement speed.
      Survivor: MUL-T
      and Rebar Puncher Rebar PuncherRebar PuncherRebar Puncher (Primary)Fire a piercing rebar that deals 600% damage.
      Survivor: MUL-T
      on first slot and Power-Saw Power-SawPower-SawPower-Saw (Primary)Saw nearby enemies for 1000% damage per second.
      Survivor: MUL-T
      on second slot can gain many stacks quickly by tapping the saw while on power mode which counts as a secondary skill use and then consistently hit very high damage rebars (600% shot with each lightning dealing 1050% assuming 1 stack) with the primary at any range.
      • Rebar Puncher Rebar PuncherRebar PuncherRebar Puncher (Primary)Fire a piercing rebar that deals 600% damage.
        Survivor: MUL-T
        and Scrap Launcher Scrap LauncherScrap LauncherScrap Launcher (Primary)Fire a rocket that explodes for 360% damage. Hold up to 4.
        Survivor: MUL-T
        can be more practical and still largely effective combo, as the scrap launcher can fire 4 rockets while the rebar is recharging consistently unless the player has a lot of attack speed.
    • SotS IconSotS IconSeekers of the Storm - DLC Content
      False Son is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      False Son False SonFalse SonSotS IconSotS IconSeekers of the Storm - DLC Content
      This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      False SonThe False Son is a slow but stalwart close-range warrior. With extreme health and defense, False Son can weather any storm. Use False Son's durability to stay in the fray and capitalize on his slow but deadly skills.
      Class: Melee
      HP: 180 (+54 per level)
      Damage: 13 (+2 per level)
      Armor: 20
      Umbra: The Shattered Heir
      's Lunar Spikes Lunar SpikesLunar SpikesLunar Spikes (Secondary)Lunar Ruin. Throw a Lunar Spike for 150% damage. Gain additional Lunar Spikes through Growth.
      Survivor: False Son
      usually has a large amount of stocks and a fairly low cooldown which helps him gain a good amount of buffs to use when holding Club of the Forsaken Club of the ForsakenClub of the ForsakenClub of the Forsaken (Primary)Hold the primary button to swing the False Son's club at nearby enemies for 300% damage. Hold the primary and secondary buttons to charge a slam for 1500%.
      Survivor: False Son
      and launching the slam attack. Even at 1 Luminous Shot stack, firing off 5 shards and then hitting a slam will create 5 lightning strikes each dealing 5.250% damage with 1.0 proc, alongside the secondary's inherent debuff making the attacked enemy take more damage this is enough to more or less oneshot almost everything in the game until later into the run.


Shipping details
Order: NextTech - 1st Place
Estimated Delivery: 06/20/2057
Shipping method: High Priority

Shipping Address:
UES Shipyard
Freight Transit, Station 6

Shipping details:
"Results are in!
The 2057 NextTech winner is the Luminous Shot, crafted by Inventor M. Louis VI of Europa.

M. Louis comments on her victory, ’Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to progress. Looking forward to next year.’

Coming in 2nd, the Preon Accumulator, crafted by Technician Neil Hasting of Earth. Neil comments, ’I’m proud of what I submitted, but these fancy Europans put up a good fight, using [REDACTED] tech? How did she even find that? Her cross-weapon sync theory demands respect. See you next year for a rematch, Maggie.’
The coup still fresh on Europa’s mind, the new acting government confronts her controversial work on the Crowdfunder, a tool of suppression used by the old monarchy. M. Louis replies to critics, ’I take responsibility for the abuse of my invention, I ask that you evaluate my work going forward by how it can help us prevent this kind of tragedy.’"

 - The Saturn Reporter, Technology Section

Version History[]

Patch v1.3.6
  • Reworked Luminous Shot
    • Old Functionality - Using the secondary skill charges the next primary attack, dealing +150% damage (+25% per item stack) per charge up to 5 times (+1 per item stack).
    • New Functionality - Activating Secondary skill stores up to 5 charges (+1 per stack.) Requires 3 charges for your Primary skill to fire lightning strikes, dealing 175% TOTAL damage (+50% per stack) each. Reduces Secondary skill cooldown by 20%.

Seekers of the Storm
  • Added New Item: Luminous Shot
