Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
Jellyfish - Logbook Model
Health 60 (+18 per level)
Health Regen 0 (+0 per level)
Damage 5 (+1 per level)
Speed 10 m/s
Armor 0
Family Jellyfish
Name Jellyfish

The Jellyfish is a returning airborne monster in Risk of Rain 2, and is part of the Jellyfish JellyfishJellyfish
HP: 60 (+18 per level)
Damage: 5 (+1 per level)
Class: Self-Destruct
Speed: 10 m/s
Armor: 0
Wandering Vagrant Wandering VagrantWandering Vagrant
Gentle ProtectorHP: 2100 (+630 per level)
Damage: 6.5 (+1.3 per level)
Class: Ranged
Speed: 6 m/s
Armor: 15
Jellyfish monster family.


  • Bulwark's Ambry Bulwark's AmbryBulwark's AmbryBulwark's Ambry (Hidden Realm)
    Hidden Realm: Bulwark's Ambry
    The area consists of block-shaped platforms, with the Artifact Reliquary in the center.
  • Distant Roost Distant RoostDistant RoostDistant Roost (Stage 1)
    Ground Zero
    You dream of waves, crashing on cliffsides.

    Spires of earth jut through the fog and unknown avian creatures circle far peaks guarding their broods.
    (starting stage 2)
  • Siren's Call Siren's CallSiren's CallSiren's Call (Stage 4)
    Ship Graveyard
    You dream of wind.

  • Sundered Grove Sundered GroveSundered GroveSundered Grove (Stage 4)
    Dormant Locus
    You dream of violent growth.

    Ancient flora has risen up to reclaim this once sacred refuge. Mazes of roots and overgrown fungus have twisted the landscape, leaving only ruins.
  • Titanic Plains Titanic PlainsTitanic PlainsTitanic Plains (Stage 1)
    Ground Zero
    You dream of rolling hills.

    Gigantic stone arches bracket the skyline, while the main play-field overlooks a vast fractured tectonic lowland.
    (only with no expansion starting stage 2)
  • Void Fields Void FieldsVoid FieldsVoid Fields (Hidden Realm)
    Cosmic Prison
    Hidden Realm accessible only through the Bazaar Between Time. Until the cell is stabilized, the Void Fields will constantly "suffocate" the player for a small percentage of their current health.
  • Wetland Aspect Wetland AspectWetland AspectWetland Aspect (Stage 2)
    Rehabilitation Zone
    You dream of twisting roots.

    Full of ruined stone structures and swampy areas filled with water.
  • Part of the Jellyfish JellyfishJellyfish
    HP: 60 (+18 per level)
    Damage: 5 (+1 per level)
    Class: Self-Destruct
    Speed: 10 m/s
    Armor: 0
    Wandering Vagrant Wandering VagrantWandering Vagrant
    Gentle ProtectorHP: 2100 (+630 per level)
    Damage: 6.5 (+1.3 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 6 m/s
    Armor: 15
    Jellyfish Family Event
  • Other Environments with the Artifact of Dissonance Artifact of DissonanceArtifact of DissonanceDissonanceMonsters can appear outside their usual environments.

Skill & Behavior[]

Jellyfishes spawn on the outskirts of an Environment and typically float in place. Once they spot a target, they fly slowly towards it in a typical swimming motion.

Any single instance of damage that deals more than 20% of the Jellyfish's total health will stun it and interrupt its attacks or movement.


When the Jellyfish comes close enough to its target, it glows and prepares to explode. After 1 seconds (scales with attack speed), it bursts into a large ball of electricity, dealing 1200% damage with a proc coefficient of 2.0 in a radius of 10m with sweet spot falloff. During the detonation sequence the Jellyfish will continue following the trajectory it had before activating the skill.

Self-exploded Jellyfish do not drop any gold, although they may still drop items when the

Artifact of Sacrifice Artifact of SacrificeArtifact of SacrificeSacrificeMonsters drop items on death, but Chests no longer spawn.

is enabled.

This skill has a cooldown of 5 seconds. Normally this is irrelevant, but it can come into play if the skill is interrupted.


  1. Use secondary: the Jellyfish must be within 8m from its target. The Jellyfish will ignore the node graph for homing in directly on the target.
  2. Chase while waiting for secondary: the Jellyfish must be within 8m from its target. Similar to the previous behavior it will home in directly on the target, trying to keep the distance as close as possible to detonate at the first opportunity.
  3. Chase from afar off nodegraph: the Jellyfish must be within 100m from its target and have line of sight. This behavior also ignores the nodegraph for the most direct pathing. This is not as issue even over cliffs since the Jellyfish is a flyer.
  4. Chase: no requirements. The Jellyfish will use the node graph to approach its target.


  • While the Jellyfish's explosion does suffer from damage falloff, it can be lethal when it hits for full damage. It can effectively one-shot a Survivor if the Jellyfish is an Status AffixBlue OverloadingStatus AffixBlueOverloading (Affix Buff)
    Gain the power of an Overloading Elite.Attacks explode after a delay. 50% of health is replaced by shield.
  • Be wary of Status AffixWhite GlacialStatus AffixWhiteGlacial (Affix Buff)
    Gain the power of a Glacial Elite.Leave an ice explosion on death, and apply an 80% slow on hit.
    Elites. Getting caught in the Jellyfish's detonation will Status Slow80 greatly slowStatus Slow8080% Slow (Debuff)
    Reduces movement speed by 80% (in practice, 45.5%).
    the player, making them more vulnerable to being completely frozen by the following ice blast. Taking any damage from such an Elite makes fleeing from other nearby Jellyfishes more difficult, making the player an easy target for other enemies.
  • Interrupting the detonation of a Jellyfish requires dealing a certain percentage of the health to the enemy in a short period of time, meaning that an Elite Jellyfish's Self-Detonation can be difficult to interrupt.


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This is the logbook entry of D. Furthen, naturalist for the UES [Redacted] in conjunction with the UES Research and Documentation of Outer Life. I am joined by my good friend Tharson, who is keeping me safe through this journey.


Today, we’ve seen our first form of outer life on this planet, merely a few hours after our untimely landing.

I will describe its properties below. I have assigned their common name as ‘Icarian Jellyfish’.

• Large, round invertebrate, about 2m in diameter, with two trailing tentacles. They shimmer a white-blue. They greatly resemble Medusozoa from Earth. 

• They seem to be experiencing neutral buoyancy in this planet’s atmosphere, causing them to float. I theorize this is due to a unique gas composition inside of their hull, which they expel to traverse.

• When observed, these Jellyfish seem to bathe in the sun, slowly rotating their bodies as they do so. They may be cold-blooded.

• By my request, Tharson approached a lone Jellyfish. After detecting his presence, it began to glow, quiver, and pulse before suddenly detonating with a brilliant flash and a loud bang, causing severe burns and temporary blindness to Tharson. I theorize that by exciting the gases inside of their hulls, these Jellyfish can ignite those gases and explode, scorching everything nearby. Tharson is OK from this encounter.

Version History[]

Early Access 'Skills 2.0' Content Update
  • Major Content and Changes
    • Added New Monster Lore Entry: Jellyfish
Early Access Scorched Acres Content Update
  • Gameplay Changes
    • Nova Proc Coefficient: 1 ⇒ 2
  • QOL
    • Add some damping to Jellyfish bodies so they aren’t flung as far


  • In the Void Fields Void Fields, the in-game message when Jellyfishes first appear incorrectly reads "Jellyfishs have been released from the Cell!"
    • The same error is made when Jellyfishes are spawned from a Shrine of Combat, reading "You have summoned Jellyfishs to fight."