Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
The Heretic is a powerful character who can only be accessed through extraordinary means.
Health 440 (+132 per level)
Health Regen Drizzle -9/s (-1.8 per level)
Rainstorm -6/s (-1.2 per level)
Monsoon -3.6/s (-0.72 per level)
Damage 18 (+3.6 per level)
Speed 8 m/s
Armor 0 (Drizzle 70)

Umbra Title
Unorthodoxy Risen
Ending Phrase
Escaped : ..and so they left, bitterly avenged and deeply lost.

Vanished : ...and so they vanished, two stories ending as one.

Kur-skan, the Heretic is a secret playable character in Risk of Rain 2.

The Heretic cannot be selected from the character selection screen at the start of a run. Instead, she must be transformed into by holding all 4 Heresy items at once.

The items in the set, and their respective skills, are:

  • Visions of Heresy Visions of HeresyBgLunarVisions of HeresyVisions of Heresy
    Replace your Primary Skill with 'Hungering Gaze'.

    Replace your Primary Skill with Hungering Gaze.

    Fire a flurry of tracking shards that detonate after a delay, dealing 120% base damage. Hold up to 12 charges (+12 per stack) that reload after 2 seconds (+2 per stack).
    - Hungering Gaze
  • Hooks of Heresy Hooks of HeresyBgLunarHooks of HeresyHooks of Heresy
    Replace your Secondary Skill with 'Slicing Maelstrom'.

    Replace your Secondary Skill with Slicing Maelstrom.

    Charge up a projectile that deals 875% damage per second to nearby enemies, exploding after 3 seconds to deal 700% damage and root enemies for 3 (+3 per stack) seconds. Recharges after 5 (+5 per stack) seconds.
    - Slicing Maelstrom
  • Strides of Heresy Strides of HeresyBgLunarStrides of HeresyStrides of Heresy
    Replace your Utility Skill with 'Shadowfade'.

    Replace your Utility Skill with Shadowfade.

    Fade away, becoming intangible and gaining +30% movement speed. Heal for 18.2% (+18.2% per stack) of your maximum health. Lasts 3 (+3 per stack) seconds.
    - Shadowfade
  • Essence of Heresy Essence of HeresyBgLunarEssence of HeresyEssence of Heresy
    Replace your Special Skill with 'Ruin'.

    Replace your Special Skill with Ruin.

    Dealing damage adds a stack of Ruin for 10 (+10 per stack) seconds. Activating the skill detonates all Ruin stacks at unlimited range, dealing 300% damage plus 120% damage per stack of Ruin. Recharges after 8 (+8 per stack) seconds.
    - Ruin

Along with these skills, the Heretic has extremely high base health, can triple jump, moves slightly faster than any other Survivor, and has a considerably higher base damage stat. However, she has negative health regeneration, causing her to lose health over time instead of recovering it, which scales positively with higher difficulties.




Type All
Cooldown 1s
Description Squawk a solemn reply.
  • This skill exists in all four of the Heretic's skill slots, but is usually not seen by the player due to being overridden by the four Heresy skills that are necessary to transform into her.
  • Has no meaningful effect at all, emitting only a quiet squawk when used.
  • Can only be used if a Cleansing Pool, Shrine of Order or SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    Egocentrism is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Egocentrism EgocentrismBgLunarEgocentrismSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Gain multiple orbiting bombs. Every minute, assimilate another item into Egocentrism.

    Every 3 (-50% per stack) seconds, gain an orbiting bomb that detonates on impact for 360% damage, up to a maximum of 3 bombs (+1 per stack). Every 60 seconds, a random item is converted into this item.
    causes the Heretic to lose one of her Heresy items.

Hungering Gaze

Hungering Gaze
Type Primary
Cooldown 2s (+2s per stack) since the last shot was fired
Proc Coefficient Initial hit: 0.1
Explosion: 1.0
Description Fire a flurry of tracking shards that detonate after a delay, dealing 120% base damage. Hold up to 12 charges (+12 per stack) that reload after 2 seconds (+2 per stack).
  • The initial hit deals 5% base damage.
  • Once the cooldown period is finished, all stacks are recharged at once.
  • Each shot will reset the cooldown period back to the full 2 seconds.
  • Changes the firing of Engineer Engineer'sEngineerEngineerThe Engineer is a unique class that requires planning and positioning to be successful.
    Class: Ranged
    HP: 130 (+39 per level)
    Damage: 14 (+2.8 per level)
    Armor: 0
    Umbra: Fortification Expert
  • Replaces both of MUL-T MUL-T'sMUL-TMUL-TMUL-T is an aggressive survivor who has the tools necessary for any job!
    Class: Melee / Ranged
    HP: 200 (+60 per level)
    Damage: 11 (+2.2 per level)
    Armor: 12
    Umbra: Right Tool for the Wrong Job
    selected primary skills. However, it does not replace the second primary while in Power Mode.
  • Picking up an Ammo Box from a Bandolier BandolierBgUncommonBandolierBandolier
    Chance on kill to drop an ammo pack that resets all skill cooldowns.

    18% (+10% per stack) chance on kill to drop an ammo pack that resets all skill cooldowns.
    will grant the full capacity.
  • Getting a Purity PurityBgLunarPurityPurity
    Reduce your skill cooldowns by 2 seconds. You are unlucky.

    All skill cooldowns are reduced by 2 (+1 per stack) seconds. All random effects are rolled +1 (+1 per stack) times for an unfavorable outcome.
    will allow the player to only have a 0.5 second cooldown between shots.
  • Takes about 1.29 seconds to fire 12 shots, and 3.29 seconds including the cooldown.

See Visions of Heresy Visions of HeresyBgLunarVisions of HeresyVisions of Heresy
Replace your Primary Skill with 'Hungering Gaze'.

Replace your Primary Skill with Hungering Gaze.

Fire a flurry of tracking shards that detonate after a delay, dealing 120% base damage. Hold up to 12 charges (+12 per stack) that reload after 2 seconds (+2 per stack).
for more details


Slicing Maelstrom

Slicing Maelstrom
Type Secondary
Cooldown 5s (+5s per stack)
Proc Coefficient Maelstrom: 0.2
Explosion: 1
Description Charge up a projectile that deals 875% damage per second to nearby enemies, exploding after 3 seconds to deal 700% damage and root enemies for 3 (+3 per stack) seconds. Recharges after 5 (+5 per stack) seconds.
  • Correction: The in-game description of 175% damage per second is incorrect. The blade maelstrom can hit up to 5 times per second, dealing 175% damage per hit for 875% damage per second total.
  • Charging up the projectile increases the initial launch velocity of the projectile, charging faster with increased attack speed. The projectile is automatically launched at full charge.
  • Once thrown, the projectile rapidly decelerates and will usually come to a halt before it explodes on its timer.
  • The projectile penetrates enemies and players but bounces off of terrain.
  • The ending explosion has a radius of 14m and applies the Status LunarySecondaryRoot Lunar RootStatus LunarySecondaryRootLunar Root (Debuff)
    Reduce movement speed to 0 for 3 (3 per stack) seconds.
    debuff to enemies, rooting them.

See Hooks of Heresy Hooks of HeresyBgLunarHooks of HeresyHooks of Heresy
Replace your Secondary Skill with 'Slicing Maelstrom'.

Replace your Secondary Skill with Slicing Maelstrom.

Charge up a projectile that deals 875% damage per second to nearby enemies, exploding after 3 seconds to deal 700% damage and root enemies for 3 (+3 per stack) seconds. Recharges after 5 (+5 per stack) seconds.
for more details



Type Utility
Cooldown 6s after the effect ends
Description Fade away, becoming intangible and gaining +30% movement speed. Heal for 18.2% (+18.2% per stack) of your maximum health. Lasts 3 (+3 per stack) seconds.
  • Correction: The in-game description of healing 25% max health is incorrect. Instead, it gives 1.3% max health per tick for 14 ticks, for a total of 18.2% max health per activation, per stack.
  • The player can fly during the skill's duration if activating it in midair.
  • The invulnerable period cannot be cancelled early.
  • While invulnerable, the player can still interact with things and activate their equipment, but cannot use any skills.
  • The player's hitbox is removed while invulnerable, so even a Void Reaver Void Reaver'sVoid ReaverVoid Reaver
    HP: 1900 (+570 per level)
    Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
    Class: Ranged / Self-Destruct
    Speed: 6 m/s
    Armor: 0
    implosion can be avoided.

See Strides of Heresy Strides of HeresyBgLunarStrides of HeresyStrides of Heresy
Replace your Utility Skill with 'Shadowfade'.

Replace your Utility Skill with Shadowfade.

Fade away, becoming intangible and gaining +30% movement speed. Heal for 18.2% (+18.2% per stack) of your maximum health. Lasts 3 (+3 per stack) seconds.
for more details



Type Special
Cooldown 8s (+8s per stack)
Proc Coefficient 1
Description Dealing damage adds a stack of Ruin for 10 (+10 per stack) seconds. Activating the skill detonates all Ruin stacks at unlimited range, dealing 300% damage plus 120% damage per stack of Ruin. Recharges after 8 (+8 per stack) seconds.
  • Multiple enemies can be affected by Status LunarDetonator RuinStatus LunarDetonatorRuin (Debuff)
    Consumes Ruins stacks to deal additional damage.Consumes Ruin stacks to deal 300% damage plus 120% damage per Ruin stack
  • The chance to inflict Ruin is multiplied by the proc coefficient of the attack, but it will always last for the full 10 seconds. Damage with a proc coefficient of 0, such as Status Bleeding BleedStatus BleedingBleed (Debuff)
    Damage over time.Deals 240% damage over time [3 x proc coefficient] (20% per tick, 4 ticks per second).
    , will never add any Ruin.
  • All stacks of Ruin are refreshed when a new stack is applied to that target.
  • When the skill is activated, one shot is fired at each enemy suffering from Ruin. These shots penetrate terrain, and have a Proc Coefficient of 1.0
  • While the skill is on cooldown, the player cannot inflict Ruin on enemies.
  • Minions such as Drones will not inflict Ruin.

See Essence of Heresy Essence of HeresyBgLunarEssence of HeresyEssence of Heresy
Replace your Special Skill with 'Ruin'.

Replace your Special Skill with Ruin.

Dealing damage adds a stack of Ruin for 10 (+10 per stack) seconds. Activating the skill detonates all Ruin stacks at unlimited range, dealing 300% damage plus 120% damage per stack of Ruin. Recharges after 8 (+8 per stack) seconds.
for more details


For an explanation of how these behaviors are implemented read about Enemy AI. This section only applies when the character is controlled by AI.

The Heretic uses the exact same copy of behaviors as Commando CommandoCommandoCommandoThe Commando is a jack-of-all-trades character that is reliable in all situations of the game.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Cornered Gunslinger
. Because of this the Heretic will never be able to use Slicing Maelstrom Slicing MaelstromSlicing MaelstromSlicing Maelstrom (Secondary)Charge up a projectile that deals 875% damage per second to nearby enemies, exploding after 3 seconds to deal 700% damage and root enemies for 3 (+3 per stack) seconds. Recharges after 5 (+5 per stack) seconds.
Survivor: Heretic
and will use Shadowfade ShadowfadeShadowfadeShadowfade (Utility)Fade away, becoming intangible and gaining +30% movement speed. Heal for 18.2% (+18.2% per stack) of your maximum health. Lasts 3 (+3 per stack) seconds.
Survivor: Heretic
in the same Commando uses his utility rolls without taking into consideration if healing is urgent or necessary.


  • Well-timed usage of Shadowfade is key to surviving as the Heretic. It provides healing to offset her negative regeneration, and invulnerability to ensure she doesn't lose more HP than she already does naturally.
    • Stacking Strides of Heresy Strides of HeresyBgLunarStrides of HeresyStrides of Heresy
      Replace your Utility Skill with 'Shadowfade'.

      Replace your Utility Skill with Shadowfade.

      Fade away, becoming intangible and gaining +30% movement speed. Heal for 18.2% (+18.2% per stack) of your maximum health. Lasts 3 (+3 per stack) seconds.
      increases the duration of invulnerability and total HP recovered.
  • The Heretic's negative health regeneration is amplified by the Spinel Tonic Spinel TonicBgLunarSpinel Tonic60sSpinel Tonic
    Gain a massive boost to ALL stats. Chance to gain an affliction that reduces ALL stats.

    Drink the Tonic, gaining a boost for 20 seconds. Increases damage by +100%. Increases attack speed by +70%. Increases armor by +20. Increases maximum health by +50%. Increases passive health regeneration by +300%. Increases movespeed by +30%.

    When the Tonic wears off, you have a 20% chance to gain a Tonic Affliction, reducing all of your stats by -5% (-5% per stack).
    . Without other items to offset the higher HP degeneration, this can swiftly lead to her death.
    • Despite the Irradiant Pearl Irradiant Pearl'sBgBossIrradiant PearlIrradiant Pearl
      Increase ALL of your stats.

      Increases ALL stats by 10% (+10% per stack).
      description claiming that it increases base regeneration, it does not actually amplify the Heretic's negative regeneration. Instead, it grants her a flat 0.1 (+ 0.02 per level) HP/s per stack.
    • Additionally, the Heretic's negative regeneration will be reduced or amplified depending on the difficulty, with Monsoon Monsoon reducing the health degenerated per tick and Drizzle Drizzle amplifying the health degeneration.
  • Obtaining at least two Cautious Slug Cautious SlugsBgCommonCautious SlugCautious Slug
    Rapidly heal outside of danger.

    Increases base health regeneration by +3 hp/s (+3 hp/s per stack) while outside of combat.
    will offset the negative health regeneration, and obtaining a third will allow the Heretic to heal normally again. This is only the case after avoiding damage for a sufficient period, which is easier with Shadowfade.
  • The same effect can also be achieved with multiple stacks of SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    Weeping Fungus is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Weeping Fungus Weeping FungusBgVoidWeeping FungusSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Weeping Fungus
    Heal while sprinting. Corrupts all Bustling Fungi.

    Heals for 2% (+2% per stack) of your health every second while sprinting. Corrupts all Bustling Fungi.
    , as Heretic is a naturally mobile class. Make sure you have multiple, however, in order to properly counteract the negative healing.
  • Equipping a Gnarled Woodsprite Gnarled WoodspriteBgEquipmentGnarled Woodsprite15sGnarled Woodsprite
    Heal over time. Activate to send to an ally.

    Gain a Woodsprite follower that heals for 1.5% of your maximum health/second. Can be sent to an ally to heal them for 10% of their maximum health.
    at level 6 and above will offset the negative regeneration, with even more extra healing the higher level the player is.
  • Obtaining Transcendence TranscendenceBgLunarTranscendenceTranscendence
    Convert all your health into shield. Increase maximum health.

    Convert all but 1 health into regenerating shields. Gain 50% (+25% per stack) maximum health.
    will completely remove the Heretic's negative regeneration, at the cost of turning all her health into shields.
    • This is also the case when equipping the Shared Design Shared DesignBgEquipmentShared DesignShared Design
      Become an aspect of perfection.
      , although this is much more rare.
  • The Heretic's negative regeneration reduces her health directly and is not considered taking damage. As such, it cannot be reduced by armor or the Repulsion Armor Plate Repulsion Armor PlateBgCommonRepulsion Armor PlateRepulsion Armor Plate
    Receive flat damage reduction from all attacks.

    Reduce all incoming damage by 5 (+5 per stack). Cannot be reduced below 1.
    , and does not activate Razorwire RazorwireBgUncommonRazorwireRazorwire
    Retaliate in a burst of razors on taking damage.

    Getting hit causes you to explode in a burst of razors, dealing 160% damage. Hits up to 5 (+2 per stack) targets in a 25m (+10m per stack) radius
    or Planula PlanulaBgBossPlanulaPlanula
    Receive flat healing when attacked.

    Heal from incoming damage for 15 (+15 per stack).
    • However, this also means that it does not inhibit shield buildup.
    • If health is reduced to less than 25% via health degeneration, it will not trigger the effects of either SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      Power Elixir is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Power Elixir Power ElixirBgCommonPower ElixirSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Power Elixir
      Receive an instant heal at low health. Consumed on use.

      Taking damage to below 25% health consumes this item, healing you for 75% of maximum health.
      or SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      Delicate Watch is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Delicate Watch Delicate WatchBgCommonDelicate WatchSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Delicate Watch
      Deal bonus damage. Breaks at low health.

      Increase damage by 20% (+20% per stack). Taking damage to below 25% health breaks this item.
    • The player should be mindful if they can consistently maintain high levels or barrier with Topaz Brooch Topaz BroochBgCommonTopaz BroochTopaz Brooch
      Gain a temporary barrier on kill.

      Gain a temporary barrier on kill for 15 health (+15 per stack).
      , as it will be harder to notice if the health is dangerously low. The portion of the barrier that overlaps with the health bar behind it will have a darker shade.
    • If the player's health reaches zero, they will die regardless of how much shield or barrier they have left.
  • Since the Heretic's triple jumps are considered base jumps, each one is affected by Wax Quail Wax QuailBgUncommonWax QuailWax Quail
    Jumping while sprinting boosts you forward.

    Jumping while sprinting boosts you forward by 10m (+10m per stack).
    , allowing for significant vertical and horizontal movement.
  • Activating a Shrine of Order or Cleansing Pool can remove Heresy items. When this happens, the Heretic loses the skills corresponding to the missing Heresy items, and they are replaced with the non-functional Nevermore skill. If unlucky with a Shrine of Order, the Heretic may lose all skills and become unable to directly attack.
    • Notably, the SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      Shuriken is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Shuriken ShurikenBgUncommonShurikenSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Activating your Primary skill also throws a shuriken. Recharges over time.

      Activating your Primary skill also throws a shuriken that deals 400% (+100% per stack) base damage. You can hold up to 3 (+1 per stack) shurikens which all reload over 10 seconds.
      will still activate when using the Nevermore in Heretic's primary skill slot (when the Visions of Heresy Visions of HeresyBgLunarVisions of HeresyVisions of Heresy
      Replace your Primary Skill with 'Hungering Gaze'.

      Replace your Primary Skill with Hungering Gaze.

      Fire a flurry of tracking shards that detonate after a delay, dealing 120% base damage. Hold up to 12 charges (+12 per stack) that reload after 2 seconds (+2 per stack).
      are lost).
  • Selecting Captain CaptainCaptainCaptainThe Captain is a unique survivor that can control the battlefield with utility and damage - with help from the UES Safe Travels.
    Class: Ranged
    HP: 110 (+33 per level)
    Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
    Armor: 0
    Umbra: Tired Veteran
    at the start of the game and transforming him into the Heretic will allow her to use Defensive Microbots Defensive MicrobotsBgLegendaryDefensive MicrobotsDefensive Microbots
    Shoot down nearby projectiles. Recharge rate scales with attack speed.

    Shoot down 1 (+1 per stack) projectiles within 20m every 0.5 seconds. Recharge rate scales with attack speed.
    to destroy projectiles, as the Microbots are not lost when Captain transforms.
    • Keep in mind that after Captain has become the Heretic, any newly repaired drones or turrets will not be given Microbots, as that is a result of Captain's passive skill and not the item itself.
  • If the GlassArtifact of Glass is enabled or the player has any Shaped Glass Shaped GlassBgLunarShaped GlassShaped Glass
    Double your damage... BUT halve your health.

    Increase base damage by 100% (+100% per stack). Reduce maximum health by 50% (+50% per stack).
    , it is highly advised they do not become the Heretic. Her health degeneration is a flat amount, rather than a percentage of her health, unlike the healing from Shadowfade. As a result, lowering her maximum health too much makes her unable to outpace her degeneration with Shadowfade.
  • Due to the Heretic's negative regeneration, she is especially vulnerable to fall damage. If the player fails to jump or use Shadowfade before hitting the ground from a long fall, her HP will become 1 and she will die instantly.
    • Keep in mind that Shadowfade only removes Heretic's hitbox and does not prevent direct damage. For example, if the player neglects to use Shadowfade during a long fall, Heretic will still receive potentially lethal fall damage.


A blue flash appeared in one of the storage bays of the Contact Light. The chaos ensuing on the ship was a perfect distraction.

As soon as Kur-skan stepped out the portal she ducked into a sprint. She had no time. She weaved between gunfire and fireballs, between blasts of Vagrant energy and on-board security systems. They paid no mind to the feathered figure as she darted through closing blast doors.

She flew quickly down the halls of the ship. Despite it being her first time onboard a human vessel, she could sense the electromagnets in the walls – and where they all joined. She corked right, shooting into the ventilation shafts with a bang.

The captain barely had a chance to see her before she blasted sideways out into the control room. She tore out two windblades as he reached for his pistol. The captain fell to the ground in intervals. 

Her momentum crashed her into the control panels, both feet digging deep into monitors. She didn’t need those. Nimble, clawed fingers began ripping across keypads. She quickly split and rewired components, reaching into her feathered pouches for more bridges and other electronics. Various capacitors fell onto the floor. This ship was big, but not complex – and more importantly, it could still fly. But she had to go fast, or he –

And before she could finish her thought, he appeared in a flash of thunder. Blue and green light reflected off of his sword, cascading around the bridge. A cape fluttered, and Providence landed lightly on his feet.

Kur-skan bent her head backwards over her body, hands still tearing at panels. He was much faster than she expected. But maybe he would – 

Her last thoughts were interrupted instantly by a crystalline blade.

Version History[]

Survivors of the Void Update
  • (Undocumented) Fixed an interaction where an ice explosion from a Status AffixWhite glacial eliteStatus AffixWhiteGlacial (Affix Buff)
    Gain the power of a Glacial Elite.Leave an ice explosion on death, and apply an 80% slow on hit.
    can trigger multiple times on a single Heretic.
PS4 & Xbox One Patch
  • Bug Fixes
    • Solved an issue where the game would freeze during the last Mithrix MithrixMithrixMithrix
      King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
      Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
      Class: Melee / Ranged
      Speed: 15 m/s
      Armor: 20
      phase as the Heretic.
PC Patch v1.1.1.2
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed the secret survivor dying instantly if she got the Status AffixLunar PerfectedStatus AffixLunarPerfected (Affix Buff)
      Gain the power of a Perfected Elite.Cripple on hit. Occasionally fire 5 bomb projectiles at enemies. Gain 35% increased movement speed, and gain 25% max health. All health will be replaced with shields.
      elite buff
    • Fixed The Crowdfunder The CrowdfunderBgEquipmentThe CrowdfunderThe Crowdfunder
      Toggle to fire. Costs gold per bullet.

      Fires a continuous barrage that deals 100% damage per bullet. Costs $1 per bullet. Cost increases over time.
      not working on characters without the display (i.e Heretic)
    • Fixed Milky Chrysalis Milky ChrysalisBgEquipmentMilky Chrysalis60sMilky Chrysalis
      Gain temporary flight.

      Sprout wings and fly for 15 seconds. Gain +20% movement speed for the duration.
      not working on characters without the display (i.e Heretic)



  • The Heretic has the highest base health and base damage of any Survivor, at 440 and 18 respectively. She also has a base speed of 8 m/s, which is 1 m/s faster than all other Survivors.
  • The Mithrix final bossMithrixMithrix
    King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
    Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
    Class: Melee / Ranged
    Speed: 15 m/s
    Armor: 20
    has several unique interactions during his fight:
    • At the beginning of the 4th phase while absorbing items, he will not take the Heresy items and the Heretic will not revert to the previous Survivor.
    • He has unique dialogue when the Heretic has the Halcyon Seed Halcyon SeedBgBossHalcyon SeedHalcyon Seed
      Summon Aurelionite during the Teleporter event.

      Summon Aurelionite during the teleporter event. It has 100% (+50% per stack) damage and 100% (+100% per stack) health.
    • Upon killing the Heretic, he will say either "Die again, Heretic," or "Return to pieces, Heretic," referring to how she was eviscerated and how her eyes (Visions of Heresy Visions of HeresyBgLunarVisions of HeresyVisions of Heresy
      Replace your Primary Skill with 'Hungering Gaze'.

      Replace your Primary Skill with Hungering Gaze.

      Fire a flurry of tracking shards that detonate after a delay, dealing 120% base damage. Hold up to 12 charges (+12 per stack) that reload after 2 seconds (+2 per stack).
      ), arms (Hooks of Heresy Hooks of HeresyBgLunarHooks of HeresyHooks of Heresy
      Replace your Secondary Skill with 'Slicing Maelstrom'.

      Replace your Secondary Skill with Slicing Maelstrom.

      Charge up a projectile that deals 875% damage per second to nearby enemies, exploding after 3 seconds to deal 700% damage and root enemies for 3 (+3 per stack) seconds. Recharges after 5 (+5 per stack) seconds.
      ), legs (Strides of Heresy Strides of HeresyBgLunarStrides of HeresyStrides of Heresy
      Replace your Utility Skill with 'Shadowfade'.

      Replace your Utility Skill with Shadowfade.

      Fade away, becoming intangible and gaining +30% movement speed. Heal for 18.2% (+18.2% per stack) of your maximum health. Lasts 3 (+3 per stack) seconds.
      ), and heart (Essence of Heresy Essence of HeresyBgLunarEssence of HeresyEssence of Heresy
      Replace your Special Skill with 'Ruin'.

      Replace your Special Skill with Ruin.

      Dealing damage adds a stack of Ruin for 10 (+10 per stack) seconds. Activating the skill detonates all Ruin stacks at unlimited range, dealing 300% damage plus 120% damage per stack of Ruin. Recharges after 8 (+8 per stack) seconds.
      ) were each scattered across "the farthest depths of the Moon."
  • The Heretic's Nevermore skill is a reference to the poem The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe.
  • The ending phrases for the Heretic seem to be referencing the fact that she is actually two distinct beings: Kur-skan the Heretic, and the player's previous Survivor that is currently inhabiting her body.
  • The Heretic seems to be a deformed Alloy Vulture Alloy VultureAlloy VultureAlloy Vulture
    HP: 140 (+42 per level)
    Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 3 m/s
    Armor: 0
  • Completing an Eclipse Eclipse run as the Heretic will unlock the next Eclipse level for the originally picked Survivor.
    • However, completing a Monsoon run as the Heretic will not unlock the mastery skin for the original Survivor.