Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
BgVoidEncrusted Key
SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
Encrusted Key is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Encrusted Key
Encrusted Key
Gain access to an Encrusted Cache that contains a void item. Corrupts all Rusted Keys.
A hidden cache containing an item (60%/30%/10%) will appear in a random location on each stage. Opening the cache consumes this item. Corrupts all Rusted Keys.
Rarity Void
Category Utility
Uncorrupted Rusted Key Rusted KeyBgCommonRusted KeyRusted Key
Gain access to a Rusty Lockbox that contains a powerful item.

A hidden cache containing an item (80%/20%) will appear in a random location on each stage. Opening the cache consumes this item.
Name TreasureCacheVoid

The Encrusted Key is a void item added in the Survivors of the Void expansion, and the corrupted version of the Rusted Key Rusted KeyBgCommonRusted KeyRusted Key
Gain access to a Rusty Lockbox that contains a powerful item.

A hidden cache containing an item (80%/20%) will appear in a random location on each stage. Opening the cache consumes this item.

With this item in the player's possession, an Encrusted Cache resembling a small purple sphere will spawn somewhere on the map when teleporting in. Interacting with this cache will consume an Encrusted Key and drops a Void Potential orb, allowing the player to choose between three void items (41.66%/41.66%/16.66%).

This chance is affected by the drop chance bias and as a result uncommon options are more likely and legendary options are much less likely than expected. The effective chance is (42.37%/50.84%/6.79%).


  • Correction: The in-game description of (60%/30%/10%) is incorrect.
  • As void items do not have a discernible rarity and all fall under the same umbrella of void, their "rarity" as considered for the cache's drop chances is the rarity of the uncorrupted counterparts (e.g. the SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    Needletick is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Needletick NeedletickBgVoidNeedletickSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Chance to collapse enemies on hit. Corrupts all Tri-Tip Daggers.

    10% (+10% per stack) chance to collapse an enemy for 400% base damage. Corrupts all Tri-Tip Daggers.
    is the corruption of the Tri-Tip Dagger Tri-Tip DaggerBgCommonTri-Tip DaggerTri-Tip Dagger
    Gain +10% chance to bleed enemies on hit.

    10% (+10% per stack) chance to bleed an enemy for 240% base damage.
    , a white item, and so the Needletick is considered a "white" void item).
  • Void caches will spawn even if the Artifact of Sacrifice Artifact of SacrificeArtifact of SacrificeSacrificeMonsters drop items on death, but Chests no longer spawn.
    is enabled.
  • If the Artifact of Command Artifact of CommandArtifact of CommandCommandChoose your items.
    is active, the void cache rarity will always be common.
  • The Encrusted Key will only corrupt other Rusted Keys while at least 1 Encrusted Key is in the player's inventory. Consuming an Encrusted Key will remove it from the player’s inventory, thereby preventing future Rusted Keys from becoming corrupted. This is the only void item that can be removed from a player’s inventory.
  • In multiplayer, a cache is spawned for each player holding an Encrusted Key.


  • Since the void cache itself can contain an Encrusted Key, the player can choose to take it and get a new void item on the next stage if neither of the other 2 options were desirable.



"I have this key. I found it one day when I was taking a walk along the beach... It was washed up on the shore, all covered in crust and sand. I dunno why, but I took it with me... I figured it would be neat to try and figure out what this key went to. It'd be like a treasure hunt, y'know? Thing is, no matter who I went to, I never found anything. Any lock that seemed to match, the key wouldn't go in all the way. I was starting to get frustrated. I... I'm not too religious, but for some reason, I felt it was my destiny to use this old, beat-up key and find its match. M-Maybe it would change my life. I dunno. And, when I heard about this mission, for some reason, my heart began to race. I've heard all about the Contact Light's disappearance, everyone has. But... I don't know why, but I felt, in my heart of hearts... Whatever this key went to was where the Contact Light was. And it was my destiny to come along."


Version History[]

Survivors of the Void
  • (Undocumented) Added New Item: Encrusted Key
