Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
Early Access Patch (Build ID No.3731106)
Early Access Patch (Build ID No.3731106)
Release Date April 3, 2019 (PC)
External Links Steam

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Early Access Patch (Build ID No.3743353) →

This patch is to address a ton of the more severe bugs we couldn't safely patch in the first week, especially associated with connection or desync issues. It also comes alongside some balancing, and also a slight reworking of some Elite affix behaviors to try to make them all equally threatening.

==== **Gameplay Changes** ====[]

  • Status AffixRed **Fire Elites**Status AffixRedBlazing (Affix Buff)
    Gain the power of a Blazing Elite.Leave a fire trail that hurts enemies, and apply a 50% total damage burn on hit.
    • [Community Suggestion] Rework burning calculation with unique new Status OnFire burningStatus OnFireBurn (Debuff)
      Damage over time, disable health regeneration.Applies a percent of damage over time, and disables health regeneration.
      damage type
    • Number of stacks of Burning on the player are now visible in the buff bar.
    • Burning is now capped at 5% of your health a second PER stack. Just to be clear - this is a nerf. It'll always hit for less this patch.
    • Now ticks at twice the frequency (but same overall damage).
    • This damage type has also now been applied to the Magma Worm's impact and fireball damage, alongside Elder Lemurian's fire breath
    • The intent here is to make it clear to the player what exactly a burn DOES, regardless of how it's applied. Players never were told by the game that burning actually stacks. If you have a certain number of burn stacks, you will now be aware of exactly how much that will hit for. Overall this should make the burns way less bursty and way more consistent, also allowing heal over time effects to help counteract the damage. The intent is NOT to make the entire game easier, or to make burns never kill you. Fire elites are the only purely offensive elite-type, so they should be causing deaths. It should just feel less BS now.
  • Status AffixWhite **Ice Elites**Status AffixWhiteGlacial (Affix Buff)
    Gain the power of a Glacial Elite.Leave an ice explosion on death, and apply an 80% slow on hit.
    • Rework ice bomb
    • Improve graphics for ice bomb left when killed to be more clear.
    • Ice bomb damage reduced from 350% to 150%
    • Ice bomb damage is no longer reduced at the edge of the radius
    • Ice bomb now FREEZES characters in the radius for 1.5s
    • *Fire elites have always been the most threatening type, with the other 2 being pretty easy. The hope here is that after the nerf of the Fire affix, the Ice affix can now also be respected as a serious threat. The improved visuals should help clarify what the ice affix actually does - most players don't seem to notice it drops a bomb at all. We're starting with a low freeze duration to test how it feels.*
  • Status AffixBlue **Lightning Elites**Status AffixBlueOverloading (Affix Buff)
    Gain the power of an Overloading Elite.Attacks explode after a delay. 50% of health is replaced by shield.
    • Lightning bombs from Lightning Elites now properly attach to players.
    • Lightning elites now always spawn at full shields
    • Improve lightning bomb graphics
  • Magma Worm **Magma Worm**Magma WormMagma Worm
    Ancient Lava SwimmerHP: 2400 (+720 per level)
    Damage: 10 (+2 per level)
    Class: Melee
    Speed: 20 m/s
    Armor: 15
    • [Community Suggestion] Now switches between two modes of movement.
      • Leaping: goes high in the air, raining fireballs when it impacts the ground. This was the Magma worm's only previous stance.
      • Grounded: Snakes low but fast around on the ground.
      • *The intent is to give a break from the Worm's constant leaping and to give short range characters a chance to attack. The Worm should also be an intense fight, not a slog.*
    • [Community Suggestion] Reduced armor from 20 to 15 to make it less tanky.
    • [Community Suggestion] Can now jump off of platforms so it doesn't get stuck on certain ledges.
  • A Moment, Fractured **A Moment, Fractured**
    • [Community Suggestion] Obliteration now grants all participating players 5 lunar coins.
      • *People want a legit way to get more lunar coins, and there's currently no purpose on obliterating past the first time. This should help alleviate both.*
  • Helfire Tincture **Helfire Tincture**BgLunarHelfire Tincture45sHelfire Tincture
    Burn everything nearby... including you and allies.

    Ignite ALL characters within 15m for 12s. Deal 5% of your maximum health/second as burning as damage. The burn is 0.5x stronger on yourself, 0.25x stronger on allies, and 24x stronger on enemies.
    • Increase radius from 6m to 9m.
  • Stone Titan **Stone Titan**Stone TitanStone Titan
    Crisis VanguardHP: 2100 (+630 per level)
    Damage: 40 (+8 per level)
    Class: Ranged / Melee
    Speed: 5 m/s
    Armor: 20
    • [Community Suggestion] Reduce proc coefficient per tick of his laser from 1 to 0.15.
      • *This primarily affects the duration of burning effects.*
  • Hermit Crab **Hermit Crab**Hermit CrabHermit Crab
    HP: 100 (+30 per level)
    Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 10 m/s
    Armor: 0
    • [Community Suggestion] Reduce proc coefficient of mortar attack from 3 to 0.5.
      • *This primarily affects the duration of burning effects.
    • [Community Suggestion] Reduce base health from 150 to 100.
  • Imp **Imp**ImpImp
    HP: 140 (+42 per level)
    Damage: 10 (+2 per level)
    Class: Melee
    Speed: 10 m/s
    Armor: 0
    • [Community Suggestion] Reduce base health from 250 to 200.
  • Artificer **Artificer**ArtificerArtificerThe Artificer is a high burst damage survivor who excels in fighting large groups and bosses alike.
    Class: Ranged
    HP: 110 (+33 per level)
    Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
    Armor: 0
    Umbra: Herald of the House Beyond
    • [Community Suggestion] Increase Artificer proc coefficient on Flame Bolt Flame BoltFlame BoltFlame Bolt (Primary)Ignite. Fire a bolt for 280% damage. Hold up to 4.
      Survivor: Artificer
      from 0.2 to 1.
    • [Community Suggestion] Increase Artificer proc coefficient on Snapfreeze Snap FreezeSnapfreezeSnapfreeze (Utility)Freezing. Create a barrier that hurts enemies for 100% damage.
      Survivor: Artificer
      pillars from 0 to 1.
    • [Community Suggestion] Increase Artificer's Snapfreeze Snap FreezeSnapfreezeSnapfreeze (Utility)Freezing. Create a barrier that hurts enemies for 100% damage.
      Survivor: Artificer
      explosion radius from 1.5m to 2.5m to alleviate it not always freezing enemies who trigger it
      • *Artificer mistakenly had very low proc coefficients. Consider these bug fixes.*
  • Huntress **Huntress**HuntressHuntressThe Huntress is an extremely mobile but fragile survivor with a high damage output.
    Class: Ranged
    HP: 90 (+27 per level)
    Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
    Armor: 0
    Umbra: Judge, Jury, Executioner
    • Arrow Rain Arrow RainArrow RainArrow Rain (Special)Teleport into the sky. Target an area to rain arrows, slowing all enemies and dealing 330% damage per second.
      Survivor: Huntress
      proc coefficient raised from 0.1 to 0.2 per tick.
      • *Arrow Rain had a very low proc coefficient because of its AoE dot status, but it was unnecessarily low.*
  • Mercenary **Mercenary**MercenaryMercenaryThe Mercenary is a high skill melee survivor that uses his many dodges to weave in and out of combat.
    Class: Melee
    HP: 110 (+33 per level)
    Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
    Armor: 20
    Umbra: Hired Blade
    • Extend timeout duration to recast Blinding Assault Blinding AssaultBlinding AssaultBlinding Assault (Utility)Stunning. Dash forward, dealing 300% damage. If you hit an enemy, you can dash again, up to 3 total.
      Survivor: Mercenary
      from 2s to 3s
      • *Small QoL. Allows Merc to be able to cast his other abilities between recasts of Blinding Assault without losing his recasts.*
  • Commando **Commando**CommandoCommandoThe Commando is a jack-of-all-trades character that is reliable in all situations of the game.
    Class: Ranged
    HP: 110 (+33 per level)
    Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
    Armor: 0
    Umbra: Cornered Gunslinger
    • Improve FMJ impact graphics
      • *We think that a majority of the Commando's problems are actually VFX and SFX making him feel weak and boring. This is a small first step towards that. A full pass will be done in a later patch.*
  • **Misc**
    • [Community Suggestion] Time now pauses in intermission stages (A Moment, Fractured A Moment, Bazaar Between Time Bazaar, etc)
    • [Community Suggestion] Add 3 second Status HiddenInvincibility invincibilityStatus HiddenInvincibilityHidden Invincibility (Buff)
      Become invulnerable.Become immune to all attacks.
      period when first spawning into a map.
    • [Community Suggestion] Add localized formatting for numbers in the scoreboard (i.e it will now say 1,234,567 instead of 1234567.)

==== **Bug Fixes** ====[]

  • Fixed a MAJOR issue with preplaced networked objects. This issue was especially frequent for clients with better performance specs than their host. This should fix at least the following bugs:
    • [Community Found] Map assets (portals, shop contents, Teleporters) will no longer sometimes be missing for clients
    • [Community Found] Clients will no longer be stuck in the pod when entering a stage
    • [Community Found] Clients will no longer be stuck mid-air when entering a stage
    • [Community Found] Clients will no longer be unable to select a character if joining from one networked session to another
    • [Community Found] Clients will no longer be missing out-of-bound zones, causing them to fall forever
  • [Community Found] Allow changes in maximum health/shield to instantly fill that missing amount. This means that Wake of Vultures Wake of VulturesBgLegendaryWake of VulturesWake of Vultures
    Temporarily steal the power of slain elites.

    Gain the power of any killed elite monster for 8s (+5s per stack).
    / Transcendence TranscendenceBgLunarTranscendenceTranscendence
    Convert all your health into shield. Increase maximum health.

    Convert all but 1 health into regenerating shields. Gain 50% (+25% per stack) maximum health.
    will no longer give you empty shield.
  • [Community Found] Improve spawn logic to reduce chances of spawning through the floor
  • [Community Found] Clean up Engineer EngineerEngineerEngineerThe Engineer is a unique class that requires planning and positioning to be successful.
    Class: Ranged
    HP: 130 (+39 per level)
    Damage: 14 (+2.8 per level)
    Armor: 0
    Umbra: Fortification Expert
    Turret skill drivers to fix their AI not working sometimes
  • [Community Found] MUL-T MUL-T'sMUL-TMUL-TMUL-T is an aggressive survivor who has the tools necessary for any job!
    Class: Melee / Ranged
    HP: 200 (+60 per level)
    Damage: 11 (+2.2 per level)
    Armor: 12
    Umbra: Right Tool for the Wrong Job
    secondary Equipment will no longer inherit the cooldown of the first when picking up Equipment off the floor
  • Improve collision detection of Helfire Tincture HelfireBgLunarHelfire Tincture45sHelfire Tincture
    Burn everything nearby... including you and allies.

    Ignite ALL characters within 15m for 12s. Deal 5% of your maximum health/second as burning as damage. The burn is 0.5x stronger on yourself, 0.25x stronger on allies, and 24x stronger on enemies.
  • Update Elite naming for localization and appearance in pings
  • Prevent pre-placed map objects spawning into dynamically spawned ones
  • [Community Found] Clean up Save procedures to reduce chance of save corruption
  • [Community Found] Names for reconnected players will now appear correctly instead of ???
  • [Community Found] Bloom can now be turned off in the settings
  • Frozen material overlay now properly always display
  • Update Huntress HuntressHuntressHuntressThe Huntress is an extremely mobile but fragile survivor with a high damage output.
    Class: Ranged
    HP: 90 (+27 per level)
    Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
    Armor: 0
    Umbra: Judge, Jury, Executioner
    strafing animation to blend properly. Fix incorrect normal textures. Add missing jump animation.
  • [Community Found] Fix Artificer Artificer'sArtificerArtificerThe Artificer is a high burst damage survivor who excels in fighting large groups and bosses alike.
    Class: Ranged
    HP: 110 (+33 per level)
    Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
    Armor: 0
    Umbra: Herald of the House Beyond
    Snap Freeze explosion radius not being large enough to always freeze enemies who trigger it
  • Fix AI sometimes considering itself as a target for friendly searches
  • [Community Found] Fix Engineer EngiEngineerEngineerThe Engineer is a unique class that requires planning and positioning to be successful.
    Class: Ranged
    HP: 130 (+39 per level)
    Damage: 14 (+2.8 per level)
    Armor: 0
    Umbra: Fortification Expert
    being able to sometimes get more than 2 turrets
  • [Community Found] Fix Mercenary MercMercenaryMercenaryThe Mercenary is a high skill melee survivor that uses his many dodges to weave in and out of combat.
    Class: Melee
    HP: 110 (+33 per level)
    Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
    Armor: 20
    Umbra: Hired Blade
    being able to take major fall damage during dashing attacks. **This is actually a significant portion of blazing deaths - you dash in, get set to 1, and then get ticked for that last point of health.**
  • [Community Found] Remove typo in Engineer EngineerEngineerEngineerThe Engineer is a unique class that requires planning and positioning to be successful.
    Class: Ranged
    HP: 130 (+39 per level)
    Damage: 14 (+2.8 per level)
    Armor: 0
    Umbra: Fortification Expert
  • [Community Found] Fix slider value text scrolling past the mask in the options menu
  • Imp Overlord Imp OverlordsImp OverlordImp Overlord
    Lord of the Red PlaneHP: 2800 (+840 per level)
    Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
    Class: Melee / Ranged
    Speed: 13 m/s
    Armor: 20
    no longer blink off into the distance if no viable target is found
  • [Community Found] Brass Contraption Brass ContraptionBrass ContraptionBrass Contraption
    HP: 300 (+90 per level)
    Damage: 10 (+2 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 10 m/s
    Armor: 0
    bodies can no longer be targetted by clients
  • Radar Scanner Radar ScannerBgEquipmentRadar Scanner45sRadar Scanner
    Reveal all nearby interactables.

    Reveal all interactables within 500m for 10 seconds.
    now properly identifies teleporters and barrels
  • Correct some typos
  • Reducing screenshake no longer reduces controller vibrations
  • Controller vibration no longer persists into the main menu after quitting a run

==== **QOL** ====[]

  • Reduce particle system noise quality to improve performance.
  • Allow use of the Pause menu in character select
  • Slightly increase bloom threshold in Abyssal Depths Abyssal Depths to be less glowy.