Risk of Rain 2 Wiki

Developer Console

The Developer Console is a UI window which provides a history of the most recent event logs and also allows the player to issue commands or toggle some setting variables.

It is disabled by default, but can be enabled on PC by pressing:

  • Ctrl + Alt + ` for US/UK keyboards
  • Ctrl + Alt + Ö for German keyboard
  • Ctrl + Alt + Ñ for Spanish keyboard
  • Ctrl + Alt + ò for Italian keyboard
  • Ctrl + Alt + ù for French keyboard

After enabling, pressing the relevant key, e.g., `, will toggle the window.

Console platforms can access the console using an external keyboard.

Each command/variable may have various flags dictating in what context it can be used:

  • None: no restrictions.
  • ExecuteOnServer: the command will be executed by the game host, regardless of who invokes it. This is important for networking/syncing issues and may affect the output of the command, as the caller will be the host and not whoever issued the command.
  • SenderMustBeServer: the command will be executed only if issued by the host.
  • Archive: this saves the value of the variable in /Config/config.cfg in the Risk of Rain 2 data folder, from where it can be loaded next time.
  • Cheat: cheats must be enabled.
  • Engine: sets the current value to the default value. Only relevant for some internal mechanism.

Some useful commands are:

  • help: see a full list of commands.
    • help {command_name}: print the description of the specified command.
  • find {substring}: find all commands matching the substring.
  • clear: clear the console output.
  • max_messages: increase the max lines of console log in case some output exceeds it and is effectively cropped.

Mods can also add their own commands.


Name Description Default Setting Flags
activate_teleporter Activates teleporter N/A None
ai_draw_path Enables or disables the drawing of the specified AI's broad navigation path. Format: ai_draw_path <CharacterMaster selector> <0/1> N/A Cheat
ai_update_interval Frequency that the local navigator refreshes. 0.2 Cheat
aim_stick_assist_max_delta The MAX amount in radians the aim assist will turn towards 1.57 None
aim_stick_assist_max_input_help The amount, from 0-1, that the aim assist will actually ADD magnitude towards. Helps you keep target while strafing. CURRENTLY UNUSED. 0.2 None
aim_stick_assist_max_size The size, as a coefficient, of the aim assist 'white' zone. 3 None
aim_stick_assist_max_slowdown_scale The MAX amount the sensitivity scales down when passing over an enemy. 0.4 None
aim_stick_assist_min_delta The MIN amount in radians the aim assist will turn towards 0 None
aim_stick_assist_min_size The minimum size, as a percentage of the GUI, of the aim assist 'red' zone. 1 None
aim_stick_assist_min_slowdown_scale The MAX amount the sensitivity scales down when passing over an enemy. 1 None
aim_stick_dual_zone_slope The slope value for stick dual zone behavior. 0.4 None
aim_stick_dual_zone_threshold The threshold for stick dual zone behavior. 0.9 None
aim_stick_exponent The exponent for stick input used for aiming. 1 None
aim_stick_global_scale The global sensitivity scale for stick aiming. 1 Archive
aim_stick_smoothing The smoothing value for stick aiming. 0.05 None
aim_trajectory_assist_distance_scale When using trajectory aim assist for a projectile, max distance will be set to speed scaled by this value 0.5 None
aim_trajectory_assist_max_change_threshold Controls maximum adjustment. If the dot product between original and adjusted aim vectors is less than this, the result will be discarded 0.8 None
aim_trajectory_assist_max_radius When mapping from the user's sensitivity setting to the actual spherecast radius, this will be the maximum value used. 3 None
aim_trajectory_assist_min_projectile_speed Trajectory aim assist will only be applied to projectiles which have speed greater than this value 60 None
anisotropic_filtering The anisotropic filtering mode. Can be "Disable", "Enable" or "ForceEnable". Disable Archive
app_info Get information about the application, including build and version info. N/A None
audio_focused_only Whether or not audio should mute when focus is lost. 0 Archive, Engine
auto_simulate_physics Enable/disables Physics autosimulate. 1 None
ban_steam Bans the user with the specified steam id from the server. N/A SenderMustBeServer
benchmark Load first argument as scene, disables baddies, and spawns test prefab for baddies. N/A ExecuteOnServer, Cheat
body_generate_portraits Generates portraits for all bodies that are currently using the default. N/A None
body_list Prints a list of all character bodies in the game. N/A None
body_reload_all Reloads all bodies and repopulates the BodyCatalog. N/A Cheat
character_speech_debug Enables/disables debug logging for CharacterSpeechController 0 None
chat_debug Enables logging of chat network messages. 0 None
chat_max_messages Maximum number of chat messages to store. 30 None
cheats Enable cheats. Achievements, unlock progression, and stat tracking will be disabled until the application is restarted. 0 ExecuteOnServer
cl_password The password to use when joining a passworded server. <empty string> None
clear Clears the console output. N/A None
client_set_players Adds network players for all local players. Debug only N/A None
cmotor_safe_collision_step_threshold How large of a movement in meters/fixedTimeStep is needed to trigger more expensive "safe" collisions to prevent tunneling 1.083333 Cheat
connect Connect to a server. N/A None
console_enabled Enables/Disables the console. 0 None
contact_damage_update_interval Frequency that the contact damage fires. 0.1 Cheat
corpses_disposal The corpse disposal mode. Choices are Hard and OutOfSight. OutOfSight Archive, Engine
corpses_max The maximum number of corpses allowed. 25 Archive, Engine
create_corrupted_profiles Creates corrupted user profiles. N/A None
create_object_from_resources Instantiates an object from the Resources folder where the sender is looking. N/A ExecuteOnServer, Cheat
credits_start Begins the credits sequence. N/A None
cvarlist Prints all the available convars and concommands. N/A None
cyclesortmode togggle occlusion culling. N/A None
debug_aim_assist_visual_coefficient Magic for debug visuals. Don't touch. 2 None
debug_scene_draw_nodegraph Enables/disables overlay drawing of the specified nodegraph. Format: {shouldDraw} {graphType} {hullClassification, ...} N/A Cheat
director_combat_disable Disables all combat directors. 0 SenderMustBeSender, Cheat
director_combat_enable_internal_logs Enables all combat directors to print internal logging. 0 None
disconnect Disconnect from a server or shut down the current server. N/A None
dump_lobbies - N/A None
dump_network_ids Lists the network ids of all currently networked game objects. N/A None
dump_object_info Prints debug info about the object with the provided instance ID. N/A None
dump_projectile_map Dumps the map between indices and projectile prefabs. N/A None
ea_message_skip Whether or not to skip the early access splash screen. 0 None
echo Echos the given text to the console. N/A None
effects_reload Reloads the effects catalog. N/A Cheat
egsToggle If EGS is used. If false, use Steam. 0 Engine
elites_migrate Generates EliteDef assets from the existing catalog entries. N/A None
empty_rebirth_items Empties rebirth items stored in user's profile. N/A Cheat
enable_damage_numbers Whether or not damage and healing numbers spawn. 1 Archive
enable_screen_distortion Screen distortion, like from Spinel Tonic. 0 = disabled 1 = enabled 1 Archive
enable_sprint_sensitivity_slowdown Enables sensitivity reduction while sprinting. 0 Archive
enable_tutorial Enables the tutorial. 0 None
enemies_are_gods EnemiesAreGods N/A None
entitlement_check_local Displays the availability of all entitlements for the sender. N/A None
entitlement_force_refresh Forces the entitlement trackers to refresh. N/A None
entitlements_list Displays all registered entitlements. N/A None
eos_link_account trigger the account linking process 0 None
equipment_list Lists internal names of all equipment registered to the equipment catalog. N/A None
equipment_migrate Generates EquipmentDef assets from the existing catalog entries. N/A None
exec Executes a named config from the "Config/" folder. N/A None
exp_and_money_effects Whether or not to create effects for experience and money from defeating monsters. 1 Archive
export_controller_maps Prints all Rewired ControllerMaps of the first player as xml. N/A None
export_default_controller_maps Prints all default Rewired ControllerMaps. N/A None
find Find all concommands and convars with the specified substring. N/A None
fps_max Maximum FPS. -1 is unlimited. 60 Archive
gamemode Sets the specified game mode as the one to use in the next run. ClassicRun None
gamma Gamma boost, from -inf to inf. 0 Archive
getpos Prints the current position of the sender's body. N/A None
give_rebirth_reward gives rebirth items N/A Cheat
graphy_fps Graphy testing. N/A None
graphy_init Graphy testing. N/A None
graphy_specs Graphy testing. N/A None
help Show help text for the named convar or concommand. N/A None
host Host a server. First argument is whether or not to listen for incoming connections. N/A None
hud_enable Enable/disable the HUD. 1 Archive
hud_scale Scales the size of HUD elements in-game. Defaults to 100. 100 Archive
intro_skip Whether or not to skip the opening cutscene. 0 Archive
item_list Lists internal names of all items registered to the item catalog. N/A None
items_migrate Generates ItemDef assets from the existing catalog entries. N/A None
kick_steam Kicks the user with the specified steam id from the server. N/A SenderMustBeServer
language Which language to use. "platform" Archive
language_debug_strings Toggles use of debug strings for all text N/A None
language_dummy_strings Toggles use of a dummy string for all text N/A None
language_dump_to_json Combines all files for the given language into a single JSON file. N/A None
language_generate_tokens Generates default token definitions to be inserted into a JSON language file. N/A None
language_reload Reloads the current language. N/A None
loadout_set_skill_variant loadout_set_skill_variant [body_name] [skill_slot_index] [skill_variant_index] Sets the skill variant for the sender's user profile. N/A ExecuteOnServer, Cheat
lobby_open_invite_overlay Opens the platform overlay to the friend invite dialog. N/A
local_navigator_debug_draw Enables debug drawing of LocalNavigator (drawing visible in editor only).
 Orange Line: Current position to target position
 Yellow Line: Raycasts
 Red Point: Raycast hit position
 Green Line: Final chosen move vector 
0 None
loccmd Redirects a command to be run for a certain local user. N/A None
logbook_list_unfinished_lore Prints all logbook entries which still have undefined lore. N/A None
master_texture_limit Reduction in texture quality. 0 is highest quality textures, 1 is half, 2 is quarter, etc. 0 Archive, Engine
max_messages Maximum number of messages that can be held in the console log. 25 Archive
migrate_death_rewards_unlockables Migrates CharacterDeath component .logUnlockableName to .LogUnlockableDef for all instances. N/A Cheat
minimal_pause Toggles game pause state. N/A None
minion_dump Prints debug information about all active minion groups. N/A None
morgue_history_limit How many non-favorited entries we can store in the morgue before old ones are deleted. 30 Archive
net_loglevel Network log verbosity. 2 Engine
net_p2p_debug_transport Allows p2p transport information to print to the console. 0 None
net_p2p_log_messages Enables logging of network messages. 0 None
net_rtt_smooth_duration The smoothing duration for round-trip time values. 0.1 None
net_time_smooth_rate The smoothing rate for the network time. 1.05 None
override_run_seed Forces a default seed for benchmarking. -1 None
parent_volume_music The parent music volume, from 0 to 100. 100 None
pause Toggles game pause state. N/A None
pickup_print_all Prints all pickup definitions. N/A None
ping Prints the current round trip time from this client to the server and back. N/A None
platformstore_showall Shows the platform store page for all purchasable items N/A None
platformstore_showitem Shows the platform store page for a single Entitlement/DLC N/A None
pointsoundmanager_timeout Timeout value in seconds to use for sound emitters dispatched by PointSoundManager. -1 for end-of-playback callbacks instead, which we suspect may have thread-safety issues. 3 None
position_indicators_enable Enables/Disables position indicators for allies, bosses, pings, etc. 1 None
pp_ao SSAO postprocessing. 0 = disabled 1 = enabled 0 Archive, Engine
pp_bloom Bloom postprocessing. 0 = disabled 1 = enabled 1 Archive, Engine
pp_motionblur Motion blur. 0 = disabled 1 = enabled 0 Archive
pp_screendistortion Screen distortion, like from Spinel Tonic. 0 = disabled 1 = enabled 1 Archive, Engine
pp_sobel_outline Whether or not to use the sobel rim light effect. 1 Archive
pregame_set_rule_choice Sets the specified choice during pregame. See the command "rule_list_choices" for possible options. N/A SenderMustBeServer
pregame_start_run Begins a run out of pregame. N/A SenderMustBeServer
print_local_users Prints a list of all local users. N/A None
print_stats Prints all current stats of the sender. N/A None
processor_affinity The processor affinity mask. 255 Engine
quit Close the application. N/A None
quit_confirmed_command Runs the command provided in the argument only if the user confirms they want to quit the current game via dialog UI. N/A None
r_foliagewind Whether or not foliage has wind. 1 Archive
r_lod_bias LOD bias. 2 Archive, Engine
r_lod_max The maximum allowed LOD level. 0 Archive, Engine
r_shadows Shadow quality. Can be "All" "HardOnly" or "Disable" All Archive, Engine
r_softparticles Whether or not soft particles are enabled. 1 Archive, Engine
r_ui_msaa Whether or not MSAA for the UI is enabled. 0 Archive
remove_all_local_users Removes all local users. N/A None
remove_all_local_users_menu Removes all local users. (invoked via the profile button on applicable platforms) N/A None
resolution The resolution of the game window. Format example: 1920x1080x60 <current resolution> Archive, Engine
resolution_list Prints a list of all possible resolutions for the current display. N/A None
resolution_scale Resolution scale. Currently nonfunctional. 1 Archive
resources_load_async_test Tests Resources.LoadAsync. Loads the asset at the specified path and prints out the results of the operation. N/A None
revert_chef_achievement_tracking_bools Reverts the bools associated with the chef achievement ingredient tracking. N/A Cheat
rng_test_roll Tests the RNG. First argument is a percent chance, second argument is a number of rolls to perform. Result is the average number of rolls that passed. N/A None
rule_show_items Whether or not to allow voting on items in the pregame rules. 0 Cheat
rules_dump Dump information about the rules system. N/A None
rules_list_choices Lists all rule choices. N/A None
run_end Ends the current run. N/A SenderMustBeServer
run_print_seed Prints the seed of the current run. N/A None
run_print_unlockables Prints all unlockables available in this run. N/A SenderMustBeServer
run_scene_override Overrides the first scene to enter in a run. <empty_string> Cheat
run_set_stages_cleared Sets the current number of stages cleared in the run. N/A ExecuteOnServer, Cheat
say Sends a chat message. N/A ExecuteOnServer
scene_list Prints a list of all available scene names. N/A None
set_scene Changes to the named scene. N/A None
set_vstr Sets the specified vstr to the specified value. N/A None
setpos Teleports the sender's body to the specified position. N/A Cheat
shadow_cascades The number of cascades to use for directional light shadows. low=0 high=4 2 Archive, Engine
shadow_distance The distance in meters to draw shadows. 200 Archive
shadow_resolution Default shadow resolution. Can be "Low", "Medium", "High" or "VeryHigh". Medium Archive, Engine
spite_bomb_coefficient Multiplier for number of spite bombs. 0.5 Cheat
splash_skip Whether or not to skip startup splash screens. 0 Archive
stage1_pod Whether or not to use the pod when spawning on the first stage. 1 Cheat
steam_get_p2p_session_state - N/A None
steam_id Displays your steam id. N/A None
steam_lobby_allow_persistence Whether or not the application should attempt to reestablish an active game session's Steamworks lobby if it's been lost. 1 None
steam_lobby_assign_owner - N/A None
steam_lobby_copy_to_clipboard Copies the currently active lobby to the clipboard if applicable. N/A None
steam_lobby_create - N/A None
steam_lobby_create_if_none - N/A None
steam_lobby_data_regenerate Forces the current Steamworks lobby data to be regenerated. N/A None
steam_lobby_id Displays the steam id of the current lobby. N/A None
steam_lobby_invite Invites the player with the specified steam id to the current lobby. N/A None
steam_lobby_join - N/A None
steam_lobby_leave - N/A None
steam_lobby_max_members Sets the maximum number of players allowed in steam lobbies created by this machine. 4 None
steam_lobby_open_invite_overlay Opens the steam overlay to the friend invite dialog. N/A None
steam_lobby_print_list Displays a list of lobbies from the last search. N/A None
steam_lobby_print_members Displays the members current lobby. N/A None
steam_lobby_type The type of the current Steamworks lobby. Cannot be set if not the owner of a lobby. N/A Engine
steam_lobby_update_player_count Forces a refresh of the steam lobby player count. N/A None
steam_p2p_use_steam_server Whether or not to use the Steam server interface to receive network traffic. Setting to false will cause the traffic to be handled by the Steam client interface instead. Only takes effect on server startup. 0 None
steam_quickplay_start - N/A None
steam_quickplay_stop - N/A None
steam_remote_storage_list_files Lists the files currently being managed by Steamworks remote storage. N/A None
steam_server_force_heartbeat Forces the server to issue a heartbeat to the master server. N/A None
steam_server_heartbeat_enabled Whether or not this server issues any heartbeats to the Steam master server and effectively advertises it in the master server list. Default is 1 for dedicated servers, 0 for client builds. 0 Engine
steam_server_print_info Prints debug info about the currently hosted Steamworks server. N/A None
steam_server_query_port The port for queries. 0 Engine
steam_server_steam_port The port for steam. 0 for a random port in the range 10000-60000. 0 Engine
steamworks_client_print_p2p_connection_status Prints debug information for any established P2P connection to the specified Steam ID. N/A None
sv_allow_multiplayer_pause sv_allow_multiplayer_pause 0 None
sv_allow_rule_voting Whether or not players are allowed to vote on rules. 1 None
sv_custom_tags Comma-delimited custom tags to report to the server browser. <empty_string> None
sv_hostname The public name to use for the server if hosting. <empty_string> None
sv_ip The IP for the server to bind to if hosting. <empty_string> Engine
sv_listen Whether or not the server will accept connections from other players. 1 Engine
sv_maxplayers Maximum number of players allowed. 4 Engine
sv_net_log_object_ids Logs objects associated with each network id to net_id_log.txt as encountered by the server. 0 None
sv_password The password to use for the server if hosting. <empty_string> None
sv_port The port to use for the server if hosting. 7777 Engine
sv_time_transmit_interval How long it takes for the server to issue a time update to clients. 0.01666667 Cheat
sync_physics Enable/disables Physics 'autosyncing' between moves. 0 None
team_give_item First argument is team index. Second argument is item. Third argument specifies stack. N/A ExecuteOnServer, Cheat
team_give_money Gives the team specified by first argument the amount of money set by the second argument N/A ExecuteOnServer, Cheat
team_set_level Sets the team specified by the first argument to the level specified by the second argument. N/A ExecuteOnServer, Cheat
test_splitscreen Logs in the specified number of guest users, or two by default. N/A None
timer_resolution The Windows timer resolution. 9973 Engine
timescale The timescale of the game. 1 ExecuteOnServer, Cheat
timestep The timestep of the game. 0.01666667 ExecuteOnServer, Cheat
toggleculling togggle occlusion culling. N/A None
transition_command Fade out and execute a command at the end of the fadeout. N/A None
unlockable_migrate Generates UnlockableDef assets from the existing catalog entries. N/A None
user_profile_copy Copies the profile named by the first argument to a new profile named by the second argument. This does not save the profile. N/A None
user_profile_delete Unloads the named user profile and deletes it from the disk if it exists. N/A None
user_profile_main The current user profile. <current profile name> Archive
user_profile_save Saves the named profile to disk, if it exists. N/A None
user_profile_set_pickup_discovered Sets the pickup discovery state for the sender's profile. N/A None
user_profile_stats_stress_test Sets the stats of the sender's user profile to the maximum their datatypes support for stress-testing purposes. N/A Cheat
userprofile_test_buffer_overflow - N/A None
UseSocialIconFlag A per-platform flag that indicates whether we display user icons or not. 1 Archive
vehicle_seat_debug Enables debug logging for VehicleSeat. 0 None
vfxbudget_low_priority_cost_threshold - 50 None
vfxbudget_medium_priority_cost_threshold - 200 None
vfxbudget_particle_cost_bias - 0 Archive
viewables_clear_viewed Clears all viewed viewables N/A None
viewables_list Displays the full names of all viewables. N/A None
viewables_list_unviewed Displays the full names of all unviewed viewables. N/A None
viewables_warn_undefined Issues a warning in the console if a viewable is not defined. 0 None
volume_master The master volume of the game audio, from 0 to 100. 100 Archive, Engine
volume_music The music volume, from 0 to 100. 100 Archive, Engine
volume_sfx The volume of sound effects, from 0 to 100. 100 Archive, Engine
vsync_count Vsync count. 0 Archive, Engine
wait_ms How many milliseconds to sleep between each frame. -1 for no sleeping between frames. -1 None
window_mode The window mode. Choices are Fullscreen and Window. Fullscreen Archive, Engine
wwise_log_enabled Wwise logging. 0 = disabled 1 = enabled 1 Archive, Engine


  • As of version 1.3.2 various commands that dump information to the console, e.g., helphelp and find, do not print anything. This is expected to be fixed eventually as the developers are aware of this.
  • The cheats variable does not internally update its value and is therefore permanently stuck to disabled. DebugToolkit is a mod which overrides the query for the variable value, effectively unlocking all commands.
  • Even though set_scene has no flags, it does internally check if cheats are enabled to proceed.
  • ai_update_interval refers to the minimum duration before the Enemy AI chooses a new behavior.
  • ai_draw_path can give an insight into the pathing taken by an entity controlled by AI. The "CharacterMaster selector" can either be "me" or "nearest", but the former is pointless as the player is not controlled by AI. While the next argument is supposed to enable or disable the path drawing, the command actually ignores its value and simply toggles the setting for the selected target. However, the argument still needs to be provided.
  • The arguments of debug_draw_scene_nodegraph are not described clearly for those without intimate knowledge of the game's internal mechanics. shouldDraw takes the values {0, 1} and means whether the specified nodegraph type will be shown or hidden. The graphType takes the values {0/Ground, 1/Air}, and hullClassification takes the values {0/Human, 1/Golem, 2/BeetleQueen} and refers to the size of the entity the node graph can accommodate. Whatever value is chosen, it will show all nodes that have a value equal or greater than the one provided. For example, to draw all ground nodes in an Environment use the arguments 1 0 0 and to disable them 0 0 0.
  • create_object_from_resources can spawn an object from the "Prefabs" directory, e.g., create_object_from_resources "Prefabs/CharacterBodies/MagmaWormBody". Do note that not all objects will behave properly, as in the previous example the Magma Worm Magma WormMagma WormMagma Worm
    Ancient Lava SwimmerHP: 2400 (+720 per level)
    Damage: 10 (+2 per level)
    Class: Melee
    Speed: 20 m/s
    Armor: 15
    spawns without its accompanied AI object and will therefore not go after the player. Any object that has no visible world model or visual effect will be invisible.
  • dump_object_info is a fairly useless command. It requires the Instance ID of the relevant object, which can be obtained only from fetching the relevant object with modding. The info it provides is also very minimal, compared to what one can query once the object has been fetched.
  • print_stats prints stats of the current run, e.g., which survivor is chosen, how long they have been alive, how many kills they have, how much damage they have taken from each enemy, etc. The output is very long but mostly superfluous, since it lists every single character (survivor and monster alike) that can be chosen. Changing max_messages is necessary to see the full output and the player is advised to then clear the console to avoid any lag while it is open.
  • set_vstr does not work. "vstr" stands for variable string and is supposed to set aliases for commands, but the code always ignores them.
  • gamemode can take the following inputs: ClassicRun, WeeklyRun, EclipseRun, and InfiniteTowerRun. The value is set accordingly when the player enters the respective game mode lobby and can effectively be overriden after entering the lobby and before starting the run. There are some game-breaking sequences involved here. For example, if the player enters a normal run lobby and then sets the gamemode to WeeklyRun, the run will behave like a Prismatic Trials run, but since the Artifacts are only selected when entering the lobby, there will be none. Similarly, entering the Eclipse lobby and then setting the gamemode to InfiniteTowerRun, will result to a Simulacrum run with the Eclipse difficulty of the selected survivor, since the selected "difficulty" is locked in when entering the lobby.
  • exec can be used to compile a list of settings in a .cfg file for quick execution, but can also be used for a set of commands that the player may wish to invoke during a run repeatedly.
  • `graphy_fps` and `graphy_specs` toggle visual information about the machine's performance and specs respectively, however, `graphy_init` must be called first for them to work.
  • Some commands which are related to testing during development, i.e., `activate_teleporter`, `enemies_are_gods`, and `override_run_seed`, most likely do not have the Cheat flag by oversight.