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Blind Pest
Blind Pest
Blind Pest - Logbook Model
Health 80 (+24 per level)
Damage 15 (+3 per level)
Speed 6 m/s
Armor 0

The Blind Pest is a flying monster added in the Survivors of the Void expansion.


  • SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    Aphelian Sanctuary is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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    Aphelian Sanctuary Aphelian SanctuaryAphelian SanctuarySotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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    Aphelian Sanctuary (Stage 2)
    Cleansing Center
    You dream of clarity.

  • Rallypoint Delta Rallypoint DeltaRallypoint DeltaRallypoint Delta (Stage 3)
    'Contact Light' Survivor Camp
    You dream of quiet snowfall.

    Rallypoint Delta is the remains of a makeshift camp constructed by a group of scattered crew members from the UES Contact Light, somewhere in the frigid tundra of Petrichor V.
  • SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    Siphoned Forest is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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    Siphoned Forest Siphoned ForestSiphoned ForestSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Siphoned Forest (Stage 1)
    Ground Zero
    You dream of fire and ice.

    The map is blanketed in a layer of snow, with large trees surrounded by platforms spanning multiple levels.
  • SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    Sulfur Pools is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Sulfur Pools Sulfur PoolsSulfur PoolsSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Sulfur Pools (Stage 3)
    Pungent Spring
    You dream of brimstone.

    Tiered lakes of shallow sulfur pools. Arcing bridges and underground caves connect the map together.
  • Void Fields Void FieldsVoid FieldsVoid Fields (Hidden Realm)
    Cosmic Prison
    Hidden Realm accessible only through the Bazaar Between Time. Until the cell is stabilized, the Void Fields will constantly "suffocate" the player for a small percentage of their current health.
  • Other Environments with the DissonanceArtifact of Dissonance enabled

Skills & Behavior[]

Blind Pests spawn by swooping down from above, and flap through the air haphazardly.

Primary: Spit[]

The Blind Pest spits a fast-moving glob of acid moving at 100m/s, which deals 200% damage with a proc coeffcient of 1.0, and can travel up to 500m. While the attack is executed 0.35s after activation, the attack lasts for 2 seconds. Both of these timings scale with attack speed.

This skill has a cooldown of 1 second which does not start until the attack has finished.


  1. Use primary and strafe: the Blind Pest must be within 70m from its target and have line of sight.
  2. Chase while waiting for primary: the Blind Pest must be within 50m from its target and have line of sight. This means the Blind Pest will continuously keep getting closer to its target while spitting acid every 3 seconds. If the Pest gets too close to the ground, or on top of its target, it will land closing its wings. In this state it will walk and even attempt its attack from melee range. However, it will rarely stay on the ground for long and will take flight again.
  3. Chase: no requirements.


  • Blind Pests' fur color changes based on the stage; on Siphoned Forest and Rallypoint Delta, their fur is completely white.
  • Despite Blind Pests not relying on sight, they will not attack invisible characters.


  • Although they have low health and their attacks are easily avoided by constantly moving, Blind Pests can be surprisingly dangerous. They become more difficult to dodge in groups or when other enemies are present, their damage scales quickly, and they generally keep a fair distance from the player, so it may be hard to kill them reliably.
  • Blind Pests behave similarly toLesser Wisp Lesser WispsLesser WispLesser Wisp
    HP: 35 (+10 per level)
    Damage: 3.5 (+0.7 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 6 m/s
    Armor: 0
    , but are considerably more dangerous. Pests' sound cues when attacking are less obvious than Wisps', their stats scale much faster, and they fly much further out of reach.
  • Blazing Blind Pests in the early stages are easily the deadliest foe to attack players and should always be of the highest priority; getting hit can reduce a fragile survivor's HP to critical in just a single hit.


Welcome to DataScraper (v3.1.53 – beta branch)
$ Scraping memory... done.
$ Resolving... done.
 $ Combing for relevant data... done.

This is the logbook entry of D. Furthen, naturalist for the UES [Redacted] in conjunction with the UES Research and Documentation of Outer Life. I am joined by my good friend Tharson, who is keeping me safe through this journey.


 While hunting a group of Blind Vermin, Tharson and I were ambushed by a group of creatures that heavily resembled the Vermin we had been hunting. Their major difference, of course, was their ability to fly! I have assigned their common name as "Radkari Blind Pest".

* Much like their earthbound cousins, the Pests are blind and rely heavily on their smell and hearing. However, their pronounced tongue may indicate that they may use taste to identify things as well.

* The Pests' primary characteristic is their ability to fly. Alongside this, they also weaponize their acidic bile as a projectile attack. This could allow them to partially digest their prey as they hunt... How fascinatingly foul.

* They typically inhabit warmer, damper areas, like jungles. After our skirmish, I noted nests in the canopy. This indicates that the Pests are ambush predators, waiting for prey to waltz below their nests.


  • The Blind Pest has a functional walking animation, which it rarely uses. Unlike Alloy Vulture Alloy VulturesAlloy VultureAlloy Vulture
    HP: 140 (+42 per level)
    Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 3 m/s
    Armor: 0
    , Blind Pests do not fall to the ground when stunned. They can, however, be grounded by freezing them using Cast Nano-Spear Cast Nano-SpearCast Nano-SpearCast Nano-Spear (Secondary)Freezing. Charge up a piercing nano-spear that deals 400%-1200% damage.
    Survivor: Artificer
    , Snapfreeze SnapfreezeSnapfreezeSnapfreeze (Utility)Freezing. Create a barrier that hurts enemies for 100% damage.
    Survivor: Artificer
    , or Cryocharge CryochargeCryochargeCryocharge (Special)Freezing. Fire a piercing round for 2000% damage.
    Survivor: Railgunner
    , or when pulled to the ground by Spiked Fist Spiked FistSpiked FistSpiked Fist (Secondary)Stunning. Fire your gauntlet forward, dealing 320% damage. Pulls you to heavy targets. Light targets are pulled to YOU instead.
    Survivor: Loader
    • If a target stands still for a period of time, the Blind Pest will gradually approach until it lands on top of the target. Any further attack or flight animations may give the appearance of the Pest "licking" the target, but this is not an actual programmed behavior.
  • The snowy version of Blind Pests is actually an entirely separate monster and on release, had a significantly lower director cost than its standard variant due to an oversight.
  • The name, appearance and logbook entry highly hints towards being of a similar species to SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    Blind Vermin is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Blind Vermin Blind VerminBlind VerminSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Blind Vermin
    HP: 90 (+27 per level)
    Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
    Class: Melee
    Speed: 13 m/s
    Armor: 0
    . Both creatures are given the prefix "Radkari" in their respective logs
    • Despite this, they do not have a related Family Event, and vermin do not spawn in Sulphur Pools unlike pests.


  • Blind pests are not animated when viewed in the logbook
  • Overloading blind pests' bomb will spawn on hit but will not attach to the target, meaning a moving target will likely not get hit by the explosion.
  • The Blind Pest's attack does not count as a combat skill, so it will not cancel the Status WhipBoost Whip BoostStatus WhipBoostWhip Boost (Buff)
    Gain increased movement speed.Gain +30% movement speed.
    buff granted by Red Whip Red WhipBgUncommonRed WhipRed Whip
    Move fast out of combat.

    Leaving combat boosts your movement speed by 30% (+30% per stack).

Version History[]

Survivors of the Void
  • (Undocumented) Added New Monster: Blind Pest