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Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
BgEquipmentBlast Shower
Blast Shower
Blast Shower
Cleanse all negative effects.
Cleanse all negative effects. Includes debuffs, damage over time, and nearby projectiles.
Rarity Equipment
Cooldown 20s
Unlock Warm For Life

The Blast Shower is an equipment added in the Skills 2.0 Update.

When activated, it removes any and all negative status effects from the user. This includes, but is not limited to, the frozen effect from Status AffixWhite GlacialStatus AffixWhiteGlacial (Affix Buff)
Gain the power of a Glacial Elite.Leave an ice explosion on death, and apply an 80% slow on hit.
Elite explosions, the Status OnFire burnStatus OnFireBurn (Debuff)
Damage over time, disable health regeneration.Applies a percent of damage over time, and disables health regeneration.
from Status AffixRed BlazingStatus AffixRedBlazing (Affix Buff)
Gain the power of a Blazing Elite.Leave a fire trail that hurts enemies, and apply a 50% total damage burn on hit.
Elites, the Status ClayGoo TarStatus ClayGooTar (Debuff)
Reduces movement speed.Reduces movement speed by 50% (in practice, 33.3%).
applied by explosive pots and Clay Templar Clay TemplarsClay TemplarClay Templar
HP: 700 (+210 per level)
Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
Class: Ranged
Speed: 6 m/s
Armor: 0
, and even the Status HealingDisabled heal blockStatus HealingDisabledHealing Disabled (Debuff)
Disables healing.Disables all healing, including base health regeneration and item regeneration.
applied by Status AffixPoison MalachiteStatus AffixPoisonMalachite (Affix Buff)
Gain the power of a Malachite Elite.Shoot occassional urchins and apply healing disabled on hit.

The Blast Shower also destroys all projectiles within a 6m radius around the player. Removing incoming projectiles is very difficult, but it reliably clears bombs attached to the player by Status AffixBlue OverloadingStatus AffixBlueOverloading (Affix Buff)
Gain the power of an Overloading Elite.Attacks explode after a delay. 50% of health is replaced by shield.
Elite attacks.


  • Tonic Affliction Tonic AfflictionsBgUntieredTonic AfflictionTonic Affliction
    Reduce ALL stats when not under the effects of Spinel Tonic.

    Reduce ALL stats by -5% (-5% per stack).
    cannot be removed with the Blast Shower, as they are stored in the player's inventory and are not actually a status effect.
  • The acid pools left behind by Beetle Queen Beetle QueensBeetle QueenBeetle Queen
    Swarm MotherHP: 2100 (+630 per level)
    Damage: 25 (+5 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 6 m/s
    Armor: 20
    , the fire fields from Mini Mushrum Mini MushrumsMini MushrumMini Mushrum
    HP: 290 (+87 per level)
    Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 2 m/s
    Armor: 0
    , and Malachite spike pits are all technically projectiles and as such can be removed by the Blast Shower if the player is standing on them.
  • Counterintuitively, the Null Safe Zone barrier effect of the Void Fields Void FieldsVoid FieldsVoid Fields (Hidden Realm)
    Cosmic Prison
    Hidden Realm accessible only through the Bazaar Between Time. Until the cell is stabilized, the Void Fields will constantly "suffocate" the player for a small percentage of their current health.
    is considered a debuff and is removed, though it is instantly reapplied while inside an active vent. This only results in the player's screen changing color very briefly. This is no longer possible as of the Survivors of the Void Update, due to the Null Safe Zone effect being replaced with SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    Void Fog is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Status VoidFog Void FogStatus VoidFogSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Void Fog (Debuff)
    Recipient is under the effect of Void Fog.Indicator status effect used to show the recipient is under the effect of Void Fog, which deals a small amount of damage multiple times per second, increasing with each tick. This damage cannot be blocked or reduced by items such as Tougher Times Tougher TimesBgCommonTougher TimesTougher Times
    Chance to block incoming damage.

    15% (+15% per stack) chance to block incoming damage. Unaffected by luck.
    or Repulsion Armor Plate Repulsion Armor PlateBgCommonRepulsion Armor PlateRepulsion Armor Plate
    Receive flat damage reduction from all attacks.

    Reduce all incoming damage by 5 (+5 per stack). Cannot be reduced below 1.
  • The Blast Shower only cleanses timed debuffs and thus does not cleanse SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    Permanent Armor Reduction is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Status PermanentDebuff Permanent Armor ReductionStatus PermanentDebuffSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Permanent Armor Reduction (Debuff)
    Permanently reduces armor.Reduces armor by 2 (2 per stack) for the remainder of the stage, or until killed.
    and Status PermanentCurse Permanent CurseStatus PermanentCursePermanent Curse (Debuff)
    Permanently decrease maximum health per stage.Reduces maximum health by 1 / (1 + 0.01 * stacks).
    (from Eclipse8 Eclipse 8).
  • The Blast Shower does not reset the out-of-combat timer. This means that the regeneration from Cautious Slug Cautious SlugBgCommonCautious SlugCautious Slug
    Rapidly heal outside of danger.

    Increases base health regeneration by +3 hp/s (+3 hp/s per stack) while outside of combat.
    , shields (including from Transcendence TranscendenceBgLunarTranscendenceTranscendence
    Convert all your health into shield. Increase maximum health.

    Convert all but 1 health into regenerating shields. Gain 50% (+25% per stack) maximum health.
    , Status AffixBlue OverloadingStatus AffixBlueOverloading (Affix Buff)
    Gain the power of an Overloading Elite.Attacks explode after a delay. 50% of health is replaced by shield.
    and Status AffixLunar PerfectedStatus AffixLunarPerfected (Affix Buff)
    Gain the power of a Perfected Elite.Cripple on hit. Occasionally fire 5 bomb projectiles at enemies. Gain 35% increased movement speed, and gain 25% max health. All health will be replaced with shields.
    ), and the SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    Oddly-shaped Opal is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Oddly-shaped Opal Oddly-shaped OpalBgCommonOddly-shaped OpalSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Oddly-shaped Opal
    Reduce damage the first time you are hit.

    Increase armor by 100 (+100 per stack) while out of danger.
    armor buff will not be regenerated when the Blast Shower is used.
  • The Blast Showers cleanses SotS IconSotS IconSeekers of the Storm - DLC Content
    Twisted Corruption is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Status EliteBeadCorruption Twisted CorruptionStatus EliteBeadCorruptionSotS IconSotS IconSeekers of the Storm - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Twisted Corruption (Buff)
    Reflect damageReflect damage for 2.5% of the attacker's max health.
    applied by allied SotS IconSotS IconSeekers of the Storm - DLC Content
    Twisted is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Status AffixBead TwistedStatus AffixBeadSotS IconSotS IconSeekers of the Storm - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Twisted (Affix Buff)
    Gain the power of a Twisted Elite.Allow nearby allies to reflect damage for 2.5% of the attacker's max health.
    Elites. However, this will be momentarily applied. Cleansing this buff may be a bug.


  • The 10 second cooldown of Runald's Band Runald's BandBgUncommonRunald's BandRunald's Band
    High damage hits also blasts enemies with runic ice. Recharges over time.

    Hits that deal more than 400% damage also blasts enemies with a runic ice blast, slowing them by 80% for 3s (+3s per stack) and dealing 250% (+250% per stack) TOTAL damage. Recharges every 10 seconds.
    and Kjaro's Band Kjaro's BandBgUncommonKjaro's BandKjaro's Band
    High damage hits also blasts enemies with a runic flame tornado. Recharges over time.

    Hits that deal more than 400% damage also blasts enemies with a runic flame tornado, dealing 300% (+300% per stack) TOTAL damage over time. Recharges every 10 seconds.
    is tracked using the stacking Status ElementalRingsCooldown Elemental Rings CooldownStatus ElementalRingsCooldownElemental Rings Cooldown (Cooldown Buff)
    Indicates that Runald's Band Runald's BandBgUncommonRunald's BandRunald's Band
    High damage hits also blasts enemies with runic ice. Recharges over time.

    Hits that deal more than 400% damage also blasts enemies with a runic ice blast, slowing them by 80% for 3s (+3s per stack) and dealing 250% (+250% per stack) TOTAL damage. Recharges every 10 seconds.
    and Kjaro's Band Kjaro's BandBgUncommonKjaro's BandKjaro's Band
    High damage hits also blasts enemies with a runic flame tornado. Recharges over time.

    Hits that deal more than 400% damage also blasts enemies with a runic flame tornado, dealing 300% (+300% per stack) TOTAL damage over time. Recharges every 10 seconds.
    are on cooldown. A stack is removed per second.
    buff, and when all stacks are removed the Bands are Status ElementalRingsReady readyStatus ElementalRingsReadyElemental Rings Ready (Buff)
    Elemental rings are charged.Indicates that Runald's Band Runald's BandBgUncommonRunald's BandRunald's Band
    High damage hits also blasts enemies with runic ice. Recharges over time.

    Hits that deal more than 400% damage also blasts enemies with a runic ice blast, slowing them by 80% for 3s (+3s per stack) and dealing 250% (+250% per stack) TOTAL damage. Recharges every 10 seconds.
    and/or Kjaro's Band Kjaro's BandBgUncommonKjaro's BandKjaro's Band
    High damage hits also blasts enemies with a runic flame tornado. Recharges over time.

    Hits that deal more than 400% damage also blasts enemies with a runic flame tornado, dealing 300% (+300% per stack) TOTAL damage over time. Recharges every 10 seconds.
    effect can be activated.
    . This means that activating the Blast Shower instantly recharges the Bands, making it surprisingly powerful when combined with a Gesture of the Drowned Gesture of the DrownedBgLunarGesture of the DrownedGesture of the Drowned
    Dramatically reduce Equipment cooldown... BUT it automatically activates.

    Reduce Equipment cooldown by 50% (+15% per stack). Forces your Equipment to activate whenever it is off cooldown.
    , Fuel Cell Fuel CellsBgUncommonFuel CellFuel Cell
    Hold an additional equipment charge. Reduce equipment cooldown.

    Hold an additional equipment charge (+1 per stack). Reduce equipment cooldown by 15% (+15% per stack).
    and/or a Soulbound Catalyst Soulbound CatalystBgLegendarySoulbound CatalystSoulbound Catalyst
    Kills reduce equipment cooldown.

    Kills reduce equipment cooldown by 4s (+2s per stack).
    • 20 Gestures will reduce the Blast Shower's cooldown to less than 0.5s, which is lower than the minimum cooldown of all skills. Cooldown recovery beyond this will only be beneficial when using items that can activate the Bands, such as AtG Missile Mk. 1 AtG Missile Mk. 1BgUncommonAtG Missile Mk. 1AtG Missile Mk. 1
      Chance to fire a missile.

      10% chance to fire a missile that deals 300% (+300% per stack) TOTAL damage.
    • The cooldown buffs SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      Singularity Band Cooldown is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Status ElementalRingVoidCooldown Singularity Band CooldownStatus ElementalRingVoidCooldownSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Singularity Band Cooldown (Cooldown Buff)
      Indicates that SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      Singularity Band is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Singularity Band Singularity BandBgVoidSingularity BandSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Singularity Band
      High damage hits also create unstable black holes. Recharges over time. Corrupts all Runald's and Kjaro's Bands.

      Hits that deal more than 400% damage also fire a black hole that draws enemies within 15m into its center. Lasts 5 seconds before collapsing, dealing 100% (+100% per stack) TOTAL damage. Recharges every 20 seconds. Corrupts all Runald's and Kjaro's Bands.
      is on cooldown. A stack is removed per second.
      and SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      Safer Spaces Cooldown is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Status BearVoidCooldown Safer Spaces CooldownStatus BearVoidCooldownSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Safer Spaces Cooldown (Cooldown Buff)
      Indicates that damage negation is on cooldown. A stack is removed per second.
      function similarly. Continually resetting the cooldown for SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      Safer Spaces is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Safer Spaces Safer SpacesBgVoidSafer SpacesSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
      This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
      Click for more info.
      Safer Spaces
      Block the next source of damage. Corrupts all Tougher Times.

      Blocks incoming damage once. Recharges after 15 seconds (-10% per stack) Corrupts all Tougher Times.
      removes the need for stacking the item and allows for higher uptime on damage blocking, to the point of near-invulnerability if enough Gesture of the Drowned GesturesBgLunarGesture of the DrownedGesture of the Drowned
      Dramatically reduce Equipment cooldown... BUT it automatically activates.

      Reduce Equipment cooldown by 50% (+15% per stack). Forces your Equipment to activate whenever it is off cooldown.
      are stacked.
  • Similarly, the Blast Shower recharges SotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    Ben's Raincoat is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Ben's Raincoat Ben's RaincoatBgLegendaryBen's RaincoatSotV IconSotV IconSurvivors of the Void - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Ben's Raincoat
    Prevent debuffs, instead gaining a temporary barrier. Recharges over time.

    Prevents 1 (+1 per stack) debuff and instead grants a temporary barrier for 10% of maximum health. Recharges every 5 seconds.
    . Although it might seem the items' effects are overlapping and redundant, the Blast Shower can be useful to negate debuffs received while the Raincoat is on cooldown, and to bring its protection back again to defend against more.
  • The Beetle' Queen's flying beetles repeatedly inflict Status BeetleJuice Beetle JuiceStatus BeetleJuiceBeetle Juice (Debuff)
    Reduce movement speed, character damage, and attack speed by 5%.
    on players nearby, and the Grandparent Grandparent'sGrandparentGrandparent
    Aberrant CaretakerHP: 3625 (+1088 per level)
    Damage: 26 (+5.2 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 0 m/s
    Armor: 20
    solar flare attack continuously inflicts Status OnFire BurnStatus OnFireBurn (Debuff)
    Damage over time, disable health regeneration.Applies a percent of damage over time, and disables health regeneration.
    andStatus Overheat OverheatStatus OverheatOverheat (Debuff)
    Increases the duration of burn damage from Grandparent Grandparent'sGrandparentGrandparent
    Aberrant CaretakerHP: 3625 (+1088 per level)
    Damage: 26 (+5.2 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 0 m/s
    Armor: 20
    sun attack.
    in a large area. When suffering from these debuffs, the player should make sure to move out of these attacks' areas of effect before using the Blast Shower, or else the debuffs will be immediately reapplied and waste the equipment's charge.
    • The Blast Shower is similarly unhelpful for removing theStatus Cripple CrippleStatus CrippleCripple (Debuff)
      Reduces armor by 20. Reduces movement speed by 50%.
      inflicted by the Pillar of Design's repeated shockwaves.
  • There are several telegraphed attacks that can be cleansed with Blast Shower's ability to destroy projectiles such as the pools caused by Lunar Chimera (Exploder) and Beetle Queen, the ground attacks of Solus Control Unit, Alloy Worship Unit, Stone Titan, and Clay Apothecary, and the rotating attack used by phase 3 Mithrix
    • In order to properly cleanse these attacks, it is important to stand at the center of the attack, making the pools caused by Lunar Chimera (Exploder) and Beetle Queen less practical to cleanse.
      • Following this logic, it is possible to cleanse the entire rotating attack used by phase 3 Mithrix with only 4 fuel cells by standing at the intersection of all the pillars and activating Blast Shower's effect whenever the pillar's appear.


Order: Blast Shower
Tracking Number: 152*****
Estimated Delivery: 06/19/2056
Shipping Method: Standard
Shipping Address: Frontier Gate, Outer Edge Zone
Shipping Details:

Outer Edge thanks you for your rewards redemption! It takes a real explorer to make their living on the frontier. As you undoubtedly know, REAL exploring is REAL messy. This portable unit will equip you with the modern convenience of taking a shower anywhere at any time!

Disclaimer: Wear your protective suit while cleansing. Do not use product directly on skin. Blast Shower is only rated for B-class toxins and C-class foreign organisms. This company does not accept any responsibility for incidents as a result of an incomplete cleansing.

Version History[]

Early Access Content Update 5
  • Major Content
    • Added New Item Lore Entry: Blast Shower
Early Access 'Skills 2.0' Content Update
  • Major Content and Changes
    • Added New Equipment: Blast Shower
